Email template placeholders

Placeholders allow you to insert dynamic content in email templates. Different email templates have access to different placeholders. The tables below describe the placeholders available for each email template.

Table 1. Placeholders available in auto_renew_email
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the receiver. NXLog Platform sends this email out to the organization’s primary user, the user who initiated the order, and the list of users set as invoice receivers on the organization’s Billing & payment view. If either the first or and last name is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user.

{ firstname }

First name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that the auto-renewal applies for.

{ license_type }

Type of the customer’s current license.

{ renewal_date }

New start date of license.

{ new_expiration_date }

Exact date the renewed license expires.

{ purchase_number }

Order ID.

{ documentation_link }

Link to the home page of NXLog Platform documentation.

Table 2. Placeholders available in change_org_primary_contact_confirm_new
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user who was appointed as the organization’s new primary contact. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was appointed as the organization’s new primary contact.

{{ org }}

Name of the organization where the primary contact change takes place.

Table 3. Placeholders available in change_org_primary_contact_confirm_old
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user who was removed as the organization’s primary contact. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was removed as the organization’s primary contact.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was removed as the organization’s primary contact. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was removed as the organization’s primary contact. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{{ org }}

Name of the organization where the primary contact change takes place.

Table 4. Placeholders available in change_org_primary_contact_otp_request
Placeholder Description

{ code }

One-time code for the user to enter to confirm the primary contact change.Alternatively, the user can use { url }.

{ url }

Quick link that allows the user to confirm the primary contact change.Alternatively, the user can use { code }.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who requested the primary contact change. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who requested the primary contact change.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who requested the primary contact change. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who requested the primary contact change. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{{ org }}

Name of the organization to which the requestor belongs.

{ chosen_user }

Email address of the user who was selected as the organization’s new primary contact.

Table 5. Placeholders available in change_phone_number_request
Placeholder Description

{ code }

One-time code for the user to enter to confirm the phone number change.Alternatively, the user can use { url }.

{ url }

Quick link that allows the user to confirm the phone number change. Alternatively, the user can use { code }.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who requested a phone number change. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who requested a phone number change. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who requested a phone number change. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ phone }

New phone number of the user who requested a phone number change.

Table 6. Placeholders available in delete_account_by_admin
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name associated with the deleted user account. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address associated with the deleted user account.

{ firstname }

First name associated with the deleted user account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name associated with the deleted user account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of organization to which the user account belonged.

Table 7. Placeholders available in delete_account_confirm
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user who deleted their NXLog Platform account. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who deleted their NXLog Platform account.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who deleted their NXLog Platform account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who deleted their NXLog Platform account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 8. Placeholders available in delete_account_otp_request
Placeholder Description

{ code }

One-time code for the user to enter to confirm the user account deletion.Alternatively, the user can use { url }.

{ url }

Quick link that allows the user to confirm the user account deletion.Alternatively, the user can use { code }.

{ user }

First and last name of the user account to be deleted. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user account to be deleted.

{ firstname }

First name of the user account to be deleted. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user account to be deleted. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 9. Placeholders available in delete_org_and_account_confirm
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user who deleted the organization. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who deleted the organization.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who deleted the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who deleted the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the deleted organization.

Table 10. Placeholders available in delete_org_confirm
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user who deleted the organization. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who deleted the organization.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who deleted the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who deleted the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the deleted organization.

Table 11. Placeholders available in delete_org_grace_period_confirm
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user receiving the grace period warning. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user receiving the grace period warning.

{ firstname }

First name of the user receiving the grace period warning. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user receiving the grace period warning. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that will be deleted after the grace period.

{ days }

Number of days remaining until the organization is deleted.

Table 12. Placeholders available in delete_org_otp_request
Placeholder Description

{ code }

One-time code for the user to enter to confirm the organization deletion.Alternatively, the user can use { url }.

{ url }

Quick link that allows the user to confirm the organization deletion.Alternatively, the user can use { code }.

{ user }

First and last name of the requestor. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the requestor.

{ firstname }

First name of the requestor. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the requestor. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization to be deleted.

Table 13. Placeholders available in disabled
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name associated with the disabled user account. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address associated with the disabled user account.

{ firstname }

First name associated with the disabled user account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name associated with the disabled user account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 14. Placeholders available in disabled_in_org
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name associated with the disabled user account. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address associated with the disabled user account.

{ firstname }

First name associated with the disabled user account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name associated with the disabled user account. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of organization to which the user account belongs.

Table 15. Placeholders available in email_change
Placeholder Description

{ code }

One-time code for the user to enter to confirm the email address change.Alternatively, the user can use { url }.

{ url }

Quick link that allows the user to confirm the email address change.Alternatively, the user can use { code }.

{ user }

First and last name of the user account whose email is being changed. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Old email address of the user account whose email is being changed.

{ firstname }

First name of the user account whose email is being changed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user account whose email is being changed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 16. Placeholders available in email_change_notification
Placeholder Description

{ login_url }

URL of the NXLog Platform login page.

{ user }

First and last name of the user account whose email was just changed. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

New email address of the user account whose email was just changed.

{ firstname }

First name of the user account whose email was just changed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user account whose email was just changed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 17. Placeholders available in email_change_notification_password_instructions
Placeholder Description

{ login_url }

URL of the NXLog Platform login page.

{ user }

First and last name of the user account whose email was just changed. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

New email address of the user account whose email was just changed.

{ firstname }

First name of the user account whose email was just changed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user account whose email was just changed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 18. Placeholders available in grace_period_expiration_remainder
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the receiver. NXLog Platform sends this email out to the organization’s primary user, the user who initiated the order, and the list of users set as invoice receivers on the organization’s Billing & payment view. If either the first or and last name is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user.

{ firstname }

First name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that the license applies for.

{ purchase_number }

Order ID.

{ no_of_days }

Number of days remaining until the license expires. After the grace period, NXLog Platform revokes the entitlements coming wth the license.

{ expiration_date }

Date when the license expires.

{ issue_date }

Date when the license was issued.

{ license_type }

Type of the customer’s current license.

{ documentation_link }

Link to the home page of NXLog Platform documentation.

Table 19. Placeholders available in invite_primary_contact
Placeholder Description

{ link }

URL that allows a new primary contact to create an NXLog Platform account and accept the invitation to join an NXLog Platform organization.

{ roles }

List of roles granted to the account.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization as primary contact.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization as primary contact. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization as primary contact. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the NXLog Platform organization that the primary contact was invited to join after creating an account.

Table 20. Placeholders available in invoice_email
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the receiver. NXLog Platform sends this email out to the organization’s primary user, the user who initiated the order, and the list of users set as invoice receivers on the organization’s Billing & payment view. If either the first or and last name is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user.

{ firstname }

First name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that the invoiced applies for.

{ coverage_period }

License period - purchase date to license end date.

{ reseller }

Reseller name.

{ order_id }

Unique order ID.

{ cust_pc_order_nr }

Customer-set order number. Customers can set it using the Customer order number text box when filling in their billing information.

{ purchase_date }

Date when the transaction was made.

{{ products }}

List of NXLog Platform features available with the license, including default features for the license type and additionally selected features.

Table 21. Placeholders available in license_expiration
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the receiver. NXLog Platform sends this email out to the organization’s primary user, the user who initiated the order, and the list of users set as invoice receivers on the organization’s Billing & payment view. If either the first or and last name is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user.

{ firstname }

First name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that the license applies for.

{ purchase_number }

Order ID.

{ no_of_days }

Number of days remaining until the license expires. After the grace period, NXLog Platform revokes the entitlements coming wth the license.

{ expiration_date }

Date when the license expires.

{ issue_date }

Date when the license was issued.

{ license_type }

Type of the customer’s current license.

{ support_email }

Email address for customers to write to when in need of help managing their license.

Table 22. Placeholders available in notify_superadmin_user_joins_organization
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user about whose joining the organization the primary contact is being notified. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user about whose joining the organization the primary contact is being notified.

{ firstname }

First name of the user about whose joining the organization the primary contact is being notified. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user about whose joining the organization the primary contact is being notified. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that the user joined.

{ primary_contact_name }

Name of notification recipient: the organization’s primary contact.

{ link }

URL that allows the primary contact to assign roles to the user who joined the organization.

Table 23. Placeholders available in offline_payments
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the receiver. NXLog Platform sends this email out to the organization’s primary user, the user who initiated the order, and the list of users set as invoice receivers on the organization’s Billing & payment view. If either the first or and last name is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user.

{ firstname }

First name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the organization that the invoice applies for.

{ purchase_number }

Order ID.

{ no_of_days }

Number of days remaining of the grace period that starts with the invoice due date. After the grace period, NXLog Platform revokes the entitlements coming wth the license.

{ invoice_number }

Number of the due invoice.

{ payment_due_date }

Due date on the invoice.

{ amount }

Due amount in USD.

{ bank_name }

Name of the bank where the customer can wire the due amount.

{ iban }

IBAN of the bank account where the customer can wire the due amount.

{ support_email }

Email address for customers to write to when in need of help managing their payments.

{ account_name }

Titulary of the bank account where the customer can wire the due amount.

{ account_number }

Number of the bank account where the customer can wire the due amount.

{ branch_code }

SWIFT/BIC code of the bank or bank branch.

Table 24. Placeholders available in password_change
Placeholder Description

{ url }

URL of a page that allows the user to change their password.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who requested a password change. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who requested a password change.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who requested a password change. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who requested a password change. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 25. Placeholders available in password_reset
Placeholder Description

{ url }

URL of a page that allows the user to reset their password.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who requested a password change. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who requested a password reset.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who requested a password reset. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who requested a password reset. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 26. Placeholders available in password_reset_by_admin
Placeholder Description

{ url }

URL of a page that allows the user to reset their password following an administrator’s request.

{ user }

First and last name of the user for whom the administrator requested a password reset. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user for whom the administrator requested a password reset.

{ firstname }

First name of the user for whom the administrator requested a password reset. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user for whom the administrator requested a password reset. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 27. Placeholders available in password_reset_confirm
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user who requested a password reset. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who requested a password reset.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who requested a password reset. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who requested a password reset. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 28. Placeholders available in send_invite
Placeholder Description

{ url }

Quick link that allows an existing user to accept an invitation to join an NXLog Platform organization.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who was invited to join the organization. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was invited to join the organization.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was invited to join the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was invited to join the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the NXLog Platform organization that the user was invited to join.

Table 29. Placeholders available in send_invite_backoffice
Placeholder Description

{ url }

Quick link that allows an existing user to accept an invitation to join an NXLog Platform organization’s administrators.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who was invited to join the organization’s administrators. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was invited to join the organization’s administrators.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was invited to join the organization’s administrators. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was invited to join the organization’s administrators. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 30. Placeholders available in send_invite_new_user
Placeholder Description

{ link }

URL that allows a new user to create an NXLog Platform account and accept the invitation to join an NXLog Platform organization.

{ roles }

List of roles granted to the account.

{ expire }

Expiration date of the account.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the NXLog Platform organization that the user was invited to join after creating an account.

Table 31. Placeholders available in send_invite_new_user_backoffice
Placeholder Description

{ link }

URL that allows a new user to create an NXLog Platform account and accept the invitation to join an NXLog Platform organization’s administrators.

{ roles }

List of roles granted to the account.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization as an administrator.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization as an administrator. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was invited to create an account and join the organization as an administrator. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of the NXLog Platform organization that the user was invited to join as an administrator after creating an account.

Table 32. Placeholders available in signup_request
Placeholder Description

{ url }

Link that allows the requester to sign up.

{ email }

Email address from which the sign-up request originated.

Table 33. Placeholders available in start_of_trial
Placeholder Description

{{ user }}

First and last name of the user whose trial account was created. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{{ org }}

Name of the organization to which the trial account belongs.

{{ end_date }}

End date of the trial period for the user account.

{{ products }}

List of NXLog Platform features available as part of the trial.

Table 34. Placeholders available in user_unlinked_from_org
Placeholder Description

{ user }

First and last name of the user being removed. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user being removed.

{ firstname }

First name of the user being removed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user being removed. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of organization from which the user is being removed.

Table 35. Placeholders available in welcome_new_account
Placeholder Description

{ link }

URL of a page that allows the user to create a password and enable two-factor authentication following accepting an invitation.

{ roles }

List of roles granted to the account.

{ expire }

Expiration date of the account.

{ user }

First and last name of the user who accepted an invitation to join the organization. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who accepted an invitation to join the organization.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who accepted an invitation to join the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who accepted an invitation to join the organization. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

Table 36. Placeholders available in welcome_primary_contact
Placeholder Description

{ link }

URL of a page that allows the primary contact to create a password and enable two-factor authentication following accepting an invitation.

{ roles }

List of roles granted to the primary account.

{ user }

First and last name of the primary contact. If either of these is unavailable, the placeholder is replaced with the user account’s email address.

{ email }

Email address of the user who was assigned as the primary contact.

{ firstname }

First name of the user who was assigned as the primary contact. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ lastname }

Last name of the user who was assigned as the primary contact. Note that it is replaced with a blank space if the user has chosen to not enter this information.

{ org }

Name of user’s NXLog Platform organization.