Start and stop NXLog Platform

NXLog Platform is highly reliable, being able to survive or recover from potential execution failure by automatically relaunching its processes. Also, NXLog Platform updates do not require manually starting or stopping NXLog Platform.

Still, there might be situations where you need to manually stop and start NXLog Platform, for example when working with the filesystem layout.

How to stop NXLog Platform

If you need to manually stop NXLog Platform, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the NXLog Platform server via ssh:

    $ ssh <your_user>@<your_ip_address>
  2. Stop NXLog Platform:

    $ sudo stop

How to start NXLog Platform

If you need to manually start or restart NXLog Platform, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the NXLog Platform server via ssh:

    $ ssh <your_user>@<your_ip_address>
  2. Start NXLog Platform:

    $ sudo start

NXLog Platform will be fully available in a few minutes.