Organization management

You can view and update your organization settings from the Organizations page, including:

  • View your agent quota and number of active users.

  • View your subscription plan.

  • Manage NXLog Platform users.

  • Change your organization’s contact information.

  • See your license history.

  • Configure your organization’s security policy.

  • Delete your organization.

To access your organization settings, click My organization from the left navigation menu.


The Overview provides agent and user statistics. You will also find a shortcut to your agents, and you can invite users from this page.

NXLog Platform organization overview
Table 1. Overview widgets explained
Widget Description

NXLog Agents

Shows the number of active NXLog Agent installations and your remaining agent quota.

Total active users

Displays the number of active NXLog Platform users in your organization. Use the Invite user button to invite new users. See Invite users for more information.


Table 2. Subscriptions widgets explained
Widget Description

Current plan

Shows information on your organization’s current subscription plan.

See full feature matrix

Displays an NXLog Platform feature comparison by subscription type.


The Users view lists users added to your NXLog Platform organization. You can search, invite, activate/deactivate, and delete users from here.

NXLog Platform organization users
Table 3. Users view explained
Widget Description

Search panel

Filter users by name, email address, role, account status, or last login time.

Invite new

Use the Invite user dropdown to invite new users to your organization. See Invite users for more information on inviting new users.

Users table

Lists your organization’s users, their roles, and account status.


Select one or more users to activate the Actions dropdown. Depending on the selected users, you can:

  • Enable user account

  • Delete user invite

  • Disable user account

  • Reset user password

Organization details

The Organization details view is where you can view and update your organization’s contact information and primary contact.

NXLog Platform organization details
Table 4. Organization details explained
Widget Description

Organization info

View and update your:

  • Organization name

  • Organization short name

  • Parent organization - an optional field identifying another NXLog Platform organization.

Business address

View and update your business contact information.

Primary customer contact

Choose the primary contact for your organization. The dropdown only lists users with the SuperAdmin role.

Billing & payment

The Billing & payment view is where you can view and update the billing information that will appear on your invoices. You can also manage the recipients of NXLog Platform purchase invoices.

NXLog Platform billing information
Table 5. Billing details explained
Widget Description

Billing information

View and update your billing address. Check the Use organization address option to use the same address as your organization for billing purposes.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Optional tax number to include in your invoices.

The following email addresses will receive invoices for license purchases

NXLog Platform automatically sends invoices to the organization’s primary contact. Enter an email address and click the Add button to add more recipients.


The Invoices view displays your active and past orders. You can search for invoices by date range or order status.

NXLog Platform invoices
Table 6. Invoices view explained
Widget Description

Date range

Filter invoices by a date range. Click the Calendar icon to set the start and end dates.

Order status

Filter invoices by order status. The possible options are Bad Dept, Draft, Paid, Payment in Process, Payment Overdue, and Waiting for Payment.

Invoices table

Displays a list of invoices. Click the Actions menu next to each invoice to view more details.


The Settings view is where you can configure logging and security settings. The available settings depend on your deployment type.

On-premises deployment
NXLog Platform organization details
Table 7. Settings explained
Widget Description

Login & Security

Configure the security policy for accessing your NXLog Platform instance. Use the on/off switch to activate or deactivate settings.

Audit logs

Set the data retention period in days for NXLog Platform audit logs.

Syslog forwarding

You can forward NXLog Platform audit and application logs to a syslog server. See Forward logs to a syslog server for more information.

Cloud deployment
nxlog platform cloud org settings
Table 8. Settings explained
Widget Description

Customer profile color

Set your organization’s color to match your branding or to help you identify different organizations in the NXLog Platform portal. The default is gray.

Audit logs

Set the data retention period in days for NXLog Platform audit logs.

Delete organization

Use this button to delete your organization. This action deletes all configuration settings and data, including logs.