Quick start dashboard

The Quick start dashboard gives you a high-level view of your log data. Navigate to Log Search > Quick start to access the dashboard.

NXLog Platform log search Quick Start view
Table 1. Quick start widgets explained
Widget Description

Timeframe Picker

Choose the timeframe to display data for. The options are the last 1h, 4h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 7d, 30d, or today.

Number of Logs

Shows the number of logs ingested in the selected timeframe.

Events Per Second

Shows the log ingestion Events Per Second (EPS) rate for the selected timeframe.

Available Log Types

Shows the number of different log types processed in the selected timeframe.

Live events per second

Shows the real-time EPS rate of logs ingested in the last 5 seconds with auto-refresh.

Log Types

A treemap of event counts by log source based on the input module name, i.e., the SourceModuleName field.


Quickly search for a term. The results are displayed in the Log discovery tab.

Number of log sources

Shows the number of online agents in the selected timeframe.

Agent sending data

Shows the number of agents that sent logs in the selected timeframe.

Logs Timeline

A histogram of the number of logs ingested over the selected timeframe. Hover over the chart to display the log count for each data point.

Input module map

A treemap of event counts by input module type, e.g., im_file, im_msvistalog, im_linuxaudit, etc.

Number of input modules over time

A column chart depicting the number of distinct input module types that sent logs over the selected timeframe. It uses the SourceModuleType field to group the input modules.

Number of log types over time

A column chart depicting the number of distinct log source types received over the selected timeframe. It uses the SourceModuleName field to group the log types.