Delete a log type

If you no longer need a log type, you can delete it from NXLog Platform. However, you can only delete a log type if it does not have associated logs. Therefore, you must first delete all logs of that type before the option to delete it becomes available. See Purge logs for more information on deleting logs.

Once you ensure that no logs of that type exist in the database, follow the instructions below to delete the log type:

  1. Navigate to Log database management > Log types management.

  2. Locate the log type you want to delete in the Log type settings table.

  3. Click the Actions menu for the selected log type and choose Edit.

  4. Click Delete in the Edit log retention panel to delete the log type.

    NXLog Platform delete log type
If NXLog Platform receives logs of this type in the future, the system will automatically recreate the log type.