
The Resources dashboard provides an overview of the NXLog Platform health status and resource usage. Navigate to Administration > Tenant Operations > Resources to view this page:

NXLog Platform tenant resources
Table 1. Resources view explained
Panel Description

Global health state

General NXLog Platform instance health status indicator. The possible states are:


All the components are up and running.


At least one component is stopped, followed by the component name.

Agent management

Health status indicator for the Agent management component. The possible states are:


Agent management is running as expected.


Agenet management stopped.

Data ingest

Displays the log data ingestion status. The possible states are:


Log data saved in the last 3 hours.


No log data saved for over 3 hours.

Data query

Displays the log analytics status. The possible states are:


Log query requests received in the last 3 hours.


No log query requests have been received for over 3 hours.

Data relay input

Displays the log ingestion status of the input relay. The possible states are:


The input relay received logs in the last 3 hours.


The input relay has been inactive for over 3 hours.

Data relay output

Displays the log forwarding status of the output relay. The possible states are:


The output relay forwarded logs in the last 3 hours.


The output relay has been inactive for over 3 hours.

Resources usage

A timeline chart showing the overall CPU, disk, and memory usage. You can:

  • Choose the timeframe for which you want to see data. The options are the last 1h, 4h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 7d, 30d, or today.

  • Enable auto-refresh. The possible intervals are: 3s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 60s, 5m, 10m, 30m.

  • Hover your mouse over the chart to view the statistics of each data point.


A list of NXLog Platform components showing the component status, version, and current uptime.