Create a dashboard

NXLog Platform gives you the ability to visualize your data with Dashboards. The default dashboard gives you a bird’s eye view of your data. However, creating custom dashboards allows you to segment, drill down, and visualize the data important to you.

Follow these steps to create a custom dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Dashboards from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click the + button to create a new dashboard.

    NXLog Platform - Create a new dashboard
  3. Customize the dashboard:

    • Add new widgets and controls from the Widgets store.

    • Use drag & drop to organize the widgets to your preference.

    • Click and drag the lower right corner of a widget to resize it.

    • Click the actions menu on the top right of a widget to configure or delete it.

  4. When you are ready, click the Save button.

  5. Enter a dashboard name and optional description, and choose your dashboard’s default settings.

    NXLog Platform - Save new dashboard
  6. Click Save to create your new dashboard.

That’s it. Your custom dashboard will be added to the Dashboards page, and you can edit it, activate/deactivate it, and pin it to your favorites. See also Manage dashboards.