Configurations overview

The Configurations Overview page is where you view, create, and manage your NXLog Agent configuration templates. Navigate to Agents > Configuration Overview to access the page.

NXLog Platform Configurations Overview
Table 1. Configuration templates explained
Column Description


The template’s name.

Collect from

Input modules included in the configuration template.

Send to

Output modules included in the configuration template.

Actions menu

Click for further actions:

Edit configuration

Edit the configuration template.

Assign agent

Assign the configuration template to an existing agent. This option is not available for templates that are still in draft state.


Make a copy of the configuration template.


Delete the configuration template.

Configuration template filtering

Use filters to narrow your configuration template list by a field of interest. For example, filter the list for assigned templates only. Click Show filters to view the filter options.

NXLog Platform configuration templates filtering
Table 2. Filter options explained
Field Description


Filter for templates that are assigned to an agent.


Filter for templates that are not assigned to any agent.


Filter for templates that are still in draft state. Templates in draft state cannot be assigned to agents.

Solution pack

Filter for templates that are part of a solution pack.