Apply a configuration template
NXLog Platform allows you to apply your configuration templates to multiple NXLog Agent instances. However, you may only assign a single template to each agent.
You can search for and select agents as configuration targets based on different criteria. If you haven’t created a configuration template yet, see how to create one or how to configure a solution pack.
If you assign a configuration template to agents that already had another configuration assigned, the new configuration automatically overwrites the previous one. |
Apply a template
Apply to multiple agents
Complete the following steps to apply a template to multiple agents:
Navigate to Agents > Configurations Overview.
Find your configuration template. You can use the search bar or status filters to help you find the template.
Click the Actions menu for your template and choose Assign agent.
Use the search bar on the top and the filters to select the agents you want to assign your configuration template to. See Agent properties and selectors for information on how to build a search query.
Click Assign agents to automatically push the template configuration to the selected agents.
Apply to a single agent
Complete the following steps to apply a template to a single agent:
Navigate to Agents > Agents.
Find the agent you want to assign the template to. You can use the search bar to help you find the agent. See Agent properties and selectors for information on how to build a search query.
Click the Actions menu for the agent and choose Assign template.
Select the template you want to assign and click Save to automatically push the template configuration to the selected agent.
Confirm a template was applied
Once you’ve applied your configuration template, you may want to confirm that it works as expected. You can check the Deployment state of your agents by searching for them in the Agents > Agents list. If your agent displays a Configured Deployment state, then it has been successfully configured. You can check which template has been applied by viewing the Template column in the agents list.

You can also confirm the exact configuration of your agents. Navigate to your agents list in Agents > Agents, search for the agent you would like to check, and click on the agent’s name. You can view the Configure and Statistics views on the Agent Details page for more detailed information about your NXLog Agent.
In the Configure view, you can check the exact configuration of the agent. In the Statistics view, you can see the event processing rate and other details that indicate the smooth operation of the agent.