View logs timeline

A log search can return data for a large timeframe. However, when analyzing the results, you might need to focus on a specific period. Log discovery in NXLog Platform provides the Logs Time tool, which allows you to filter search results by a date range.

Follow these steps to use the Logs Timeline:

  1. Navigate to Log Search > Log Discovery.

  2. Click the ^ button in the top right corner of the Logs Timeline panel to expand it.

  3. Select the timeframe for which you want to see data. The options are the last 1h, 4h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 7d, 30d, or today.

  4. You can also click on the date picker to select a custom date range.

  5. Specify the desired start and end dates and click Apply.

    NXLog Platform Logs Timeline date picker
  6. Drag the slider across the X-axis to zoom in on the timeline. The fields panel and data table refresh automatically to reflect the selected time range.

  7. Click the Reset Zoom button to go back to the default view.