Log database status dashboard

The Log database status dashboard provides health indicators and statistics on the logs database. Navigate to Log database management > Log database status to access the dashboard.

You must be a Superadmin, Admin, or a user assigned the Log Search role to see this page.

NXLog Platform log database status dashboard
Table 1. Dashboard widgets explained
Name Description

Storage health indicator

Reports the logs database health status. The possible states are:


The database instance is in a good state. No actions are required.


The database instance reports a warning. Verify that there is enough disk space and memory to avoid service disruption.


The database instance reports an error. Action is required to recover the instance.

Retention health indicator

Reports the retention status based on the current log ingestion trend. The possible states are:


The data retention period is sufficient for the current log volume.


The data retention period might not be sufficient for the current log volume.


The data retention period cannot sustain the current log volume. Some logs might be lost.

Total logs stored

Shows the total number of log records in the database.

Logs stored

Shows the number of logs stored in the last hour, day, and week.

EPS collected

Shows the events per second (EPS) rate in the last hour, day, and week.

Peak EPS ingested

Displays the peak events per second (EPS) rate in the last hour, day, and week.

Queries handled

Shows the total queries processed in the last hour, day, and week.

Log entries ingested

Shows the number of log records ingested in the last hour, day, and week.

Storage space indicator

Provides database storage space statistics, including:

  • A gauge showing the percentage of used space.

  • The amount of used storage space.

  • The amount of free storage space.

Storage space usage

A column chart of the number of daily log records per log type. The log type is based on the input module name, i.e., the SourceModuleName field. Hover over the columns to display the record count for each log type.

Storage statistics

Displays log storage statistics per log type, including the total log records, the percentage of total logs, and the percentage of used space. The log type is based on the input module name, i.e., the SourceModuleName field.

Storage space usage (by log type)

A pie chart of the used storage space by log type. The log type is based on the input module name, i.e., the SourceModuleName field.