Enable GitLab authentication

The Single Sign-On (SSO) integration described on this page is currently in beta testing and may not function as expected. Don’t use this feature in production environments since it may produce unexpected results or errors.

To enable Single Sign-On (SSO) with GitLab, you must first create a GitLab application. You will then use your application’s ID and secret to link NXLog Platform to GitLab.

Create a GitLab application

  1. Log in to your GitLab account, click on your avatar, and navigate to Edit profile > Applications.

  2. Click the Add new application button under Your applications.

    Create a GitLab application,width=788px,height=262px
  3. Enter an application Name, e.g., NXLog Platform, and specify the Redirect URI where GitLab will redirect users after authorization.

  4. Enable the Confidential checkbox.

  5. Under Scopes, select the openid, profile, and email options.

    GitLab application scopes,width=788px,height=47px
  6. Click Save application. Your new application information will be displayed. Take note of the Application ID and Secret; you will use these to link NXLog Platform to GitLab.

    GitLab application details,width=788px,height=472px
  7. Click Continue to go back to your Applications page.

  1. Log in to NXLog Platform and navigate to Administration > Tenant operations > Platform configuration.

  2. Look for the GitLab section under Social login.

  3. Enter your GitLab application ID and secret in the Client ID and Secret fields.

  4. Enable the switch (green). NXLog Platform hides the Secret and enables SSO authentication with GitLab.

    NXLog Platform GitLab authentication