Configuration templates

In NXLog Platform, a configuration template refers to a predefined NXLog Agent configuration. See Create a configuration template for instructions on how to create one.

You can create templates for different configuration requirements and apply them to multiple NXLog Agent instances in one go. Configuration templates dramatically improve the efficiency and scalability of managing your agents.

You can see your templates on the Agents > Configurations Overview page.

NXLog Agent configuration templates

Configuration builder

When you click the Add new template button on the Configurations Overview page, NXLog Platform takes you to the configuration builder. Here, you can visualize your agent configuration’s data flow and save it as a template. Use the interactive configuration builder to create your configuration, or click View as configuration text to switch to text-based mode.

NXLog Platform configuration builder
Table 1. Configuration builder explained
Setting Description


A free text field. Enter a name for your configuration template here.


A free text field. Add an optional description for your configuration template here.

Route #

The name of the route. Edit the route’s name by clicking on the adjacent pencil icon. Routes are numbered by default. In the configuration builder, you always add configuration components within the context of a route.


Use this option to configure any extension module included in your configuration template. Extension modules are automatically added to the template if they are required by another module or a process.

Agent communication settings

Use this option to configure the NXLog Agent remote management settings.

View as configuration text

Use this switch to toggle between the interactive builder and the text-based view.

Collect From

A list of log sources. Drag and drop a log source from the Collect From snippet list and a process from the Process snippet list.

Send to

A list of destinations. Drag and drop a log destination from the Send to snippet list and a process from the Process snippet list.

+ Add another route

Click this button to add another route with different configuration components.

Configuration snippets

The configuration builder provides snippets for creating a configuration. Snippets can either be pre-built configuration templates for specific use cases, or smaller NXLog Agent configuration components for building a configuration from scratch.

NXLog Platform configuration snippets
Table 2. Configuration snippets explained
Name Description


A list of templates. Drag and drop a template to the Configuration Information panel to add it to the configuration.

Collect from

A list of log sources. Drag and drop a log source to a module slot to add it to the configuration.


A list of actions that you can execute on log events. Drag and drop an action to a process slot to add it to the configuration. For more information, see the Configuration actions page.

Send to

A list of log destinations. Drag and drop a destination to a module slot to add it to the configuration.