Enable Google authentication

The Single Sign-On (SSO) integration described on this page is currently in beta testing and may not function as expected. Don’t use this feature in production environments since it may produce unexpected results or errors.

To enable Single Sign-On (SSO) with Google, you must first create a Google Cloud project, configure the OAuth consent screen, and create an OAuth client. You will then use your OAuth client’s ID and secret to link NXLog Platform to Google.

Create a Google Cloud project

  1. Log in to your Google Cloud Portal account.

  2. Click the projects' dropdown and then click NEW PROJECT.

    Create a Google Cloud project
  3. Enter a Project name, e.g., NXLog Platform, and an optional parent organization.

    New Google Cloud project
  4. Click the CREATE button.

  1. On your project’s welcome screen, under Quick access, click APIs & Services.

  2. Under APIs & Services, select OAuth consent screen to configure the screen your users will see when logging in to NXLog Platform with a Google account.

  3. Select the External option and click CREATE.

    Google Cloud OAuth consent screen
  4. Follow the instructions to fill in the required information, and when ready, click SAVE AND CONTINUE.

  5. Click ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES to select the information available to NXLog Platform.

  6. Enable userinfo.email, userinfo.profile, and openid, and click the UPDATE button.

    Google Cloud app scopes
  7. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE to proceed to the next step.

  8. Optionally, add test users and click SAVE AND CONTINUE.

Create an OAuth client ID

  1. Under APIs & Services, select Credentials to create an OAuth client ID.

  2. Click the CREATE CREDENTIALS dropdown and select OAuth client ID.

  3. Select Web application for the Application type field.

  4. Enter an Application name and add the redirect URI where Google will redirect users after authorization.

    Google Cloud OAuth client ID
  5. Click CREATE. Your new OAuth client information will be displayed. Take note of the Client ID and Client secret; you will use these to link NXLog Platform to Google Cloud.

    Google Cloud OAuth client details
  1. Log in to NXLog Platform and navigate to Administration > Tenant operations > Platform configuration.

  2. Look for the Google section under Social Login.

  3. Enter your Google Cloud client ID and secret in the Client ID and Secret fields.

  4. Enable the switch (green). NXLog Platform hides the Secret and enables SSO authentication with Google.

    NXLog Platform Google authentication