Tenant update management

The Tenant update management view displays the current NXLog Platform version and its components. It also shows new version information if a more recent NXLog Platform version is available. Navigate to Administration > Tenant operations > Tenant update management to access this page.

NXLog Platform tenant update management
Table 1. Tenant update management view explained
Panel Description

Current version

Shows information on your current NXLog Platform version, including the approver name and approval date, version, and last update date. Click Release notes to view the version changelog.

Version status

This panel displays whether your NXLog Platform instance is up-to-date or a newer version is available. The panel shows the latest version details if a more recent version is available.

Platform components

Lists the installed NXLog Platform components, including their version and release date. An nxlog platform exclamation icon icon next to the version indicates that a newer version of the component is available.