NXLog Platform dashboards are a way to customize data visualization according to your needs. Access your custom dashboards by navigating to Dashboards from the left navigation menu.
Quick start dashboard
The default Quick start dashboard offers immediate insight into your data. It comprises a set of predefined metrics and charts to provide a broad overview of your log data.

Widget | Description |
Timeframe picker |
Choose the timeframe to display data for. The options are the last 1h, 4h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 7d, 30d or today. |
Auto-refresh |
This switch determines whether to automatically refresh the data or not. When enabled, you can choose the refresh frequency from the last 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 60s, 5m, 10m, or 30m. |
EPS collected |
The overall log ingestion events per second (EPS) rate in the selected timeframe. |
Peak EPS ingested |
The peak log ingestion events per second (EPS) rate in the selected timeframe. |
EPS timeline |
Shows a timeline of log ingestion Events Per Second (EPS) rate for the selected timeframe. |
Total logs stored |
Shows the total number of log records in the database. |
Logs stored |
Shows the number of logs stored in the last hour, day, and week. |
Logs stored timeline |
A column chart depicting the number of log records in the database over the selected timeframe. Hover over the chart to display the log count for each data point. |
Top 5 log types |
Lists the most popular log types in the selected timeframe. |
Distinct log types over time |
A column chart depicting the number of distinct log source types received in the selected timeframe. |
Top 5 agents |
Lists the most popular agents by the number of logs. |
Distinct agents over time |
A column chart depicting the number of distinct agents that sent logs in the selected timeframe. |
All log types |
A treemap depicting the different log types processed in the selected timeframe. |
Agents sending log types |
An interactive sunburst chart showing log types by agents. |
Custom dashboards
Custom dashboards allow you to tailor views with charts and metrics to meet your needs. See Create a dashboard to start personalizing your views.
When creating a custom dashboard, you can add widgets and metrics, customize the layout, and apply filters to focus on a specific data subset. You can also add search, filtering, timeframe selector, and auto-refresh controls to enable users to interact with the dashboard.
See Widgets store for more information on the available widgets.