Use dynamic output filenames
As an alternative to traditional log file rotation, you can define dynamic output filenames. To do this, specify the value of the om_file File directive as a string type expression built using any available fields and functions, such as log event attributes or the current date and time.
Writing to dynamic filenames could result in log events written to multiple files with partial arbitrary names. Because of this, such configurations are not suitable if a third-party application expects to read logs from a file with a static name. We recommend you use file rotation in such cases. |
Use event attributes in filenames
You can build dynamic filenames with event attributes such as $EventTime
or $Hostname
The following examples illustrate organizing events into separate log files by hostname or day.
This configuration receives syslog messages over UDP and parses records into structured data using the parse_syslog() procedure of the xm_syslog module.
This procedure sets the $Hostname
field from the syslog header.
The configuration also uses the $Hostname
field to set the File directive of the om_file instance.
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input udp_listen>
Module im_udp
Exec parse_syslog();
<Output output_file>
Module om_file
File '/var/logs/' + $Hostname
This configuration receives syslog messages over UDP and parses records into structured data using the parse_syslog() procedure of the xm_syslog module.
This procedure sets the $EventTime
field from the syslog header.
The configuration also uses the $EventTime
field to set the File directive of the om_file instance.
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input udp_listen>
Module im_udp
Exec parse_syslog();
<Output output_file>
Module om_file
File '/var/log/nxlog-out-' + strftime($EventTime, '%Y-%m-%d') (1)
1 | The strftime() function converts the datetime value to a string in the specified format. |
Use timestamps in filenames
You can retrieve the current date and time with NXLog Agent using the now() function. You can then use the timestamp to organize output log files by a unit of time.
In this example, we’ll organize logs into folders by year and month, as shown below.
The output instance in this configuration defines a Schedule to rotate files daily. When the schedule runs, it creates the necessary folder structure and rotates the current output log file accordingly.
<Extension fileop>
Module xm_fileop
<Output output_file>
define OUTPUT_DIR /var/logs
Module om_file
File '%OUTPUT_DIR%/nxlog-out.log'
When @daily
# Create the directories if necessary
dir_make('%OUTPUT_DIR%/' + strftime(now(), '%Y/%m')); (1) (2)
# Rotate the current output file into the correct directory
rotate_to('%OUTPUT_DIR%/' + strftime(now(), '%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d.log')); (3)
1 | The xm_fileop dir_make() procedure creates the specified directory structure if it doesn’t exist. |
2 | The strftime() function converts the datetime value to a string in the specified format. |
3 | The om_file rotate_to() procedure renames the current output file to the specified filename. After, the module recreates the output file specified by the File directive and continues writing to it. |