NXLog Platform architecture

NXLog Platform uses two container management and orchestration tools, Podman and Docker Compose. Both tools run on the host system and manage the NXLog Platform stack lifecycle.

All NXLog Platform components run as containers under the Docker Compose project nxlog-<version>, where <version> is your current NXLog Platform version.

The following block architecture diagram illustrates the logical structure of the NXLog Platform components.

NXLog Platform components
Figure 1. NXLog Platform components


The NXLog Platform stack operates within an internal Podman bridge network. The following diagram shows a non-exhaustive list of the network configuration:

NXLog Platform network
Figure 2. NXLog Platform network

The host network routes incoming traffic to the NXLog Platform stack, such as:

  • Client requests to the NXLog Platform web interface.

  • NXLog Agent communication with Agent Manager.

  • NXLog Agent forwarding logs to NXLog Platform.

The internal Podman network enables the NXLog Platform containers to communicate between them, receive requests through the reverse proxy, and communicate with external services.