Detect an inactive log source with NXLog Agent

Logs are essential to your IT infrastructure, especially those from business-critical applications. An agent not processing logs may indicate a problem with the log source or destination, such as a software or hardware error, unplanned network interruption, or a malicious attack.

NXLog Agent provides statistical counters, which you can pair with a scheduled check to alert you if the agent stops processing logs. Below, we give an example of generating an alert when NXLog Agent has not received log messages for over an hour.

Example 1. Generate a log message for an inactive log source

This configuration receives logs over TCP with the im_tcp input module. It creates a statistical counter within the context of the input module instance with the create_stat() procedure and increases it by 1 with every log record it processes. The message rate counter has an interval of one hour (3600 seconds), i.e., the counter value is reset to 0 every hour.

In addition, the configuration uses a schedule block, which checks the value of the same statistical counter every hour. If the value of msgrate is less than one, it generates an error in the NXLog Agent log file.

<Input tcp>
    Module       im_tcp
        create_stat("msgrate", "RATE", 3600);
        add_stat("msgrate", 1);
        Every    3600 sec
            create_stat("msgrate", "RATE", 10);
            add_stat("msgrate", 0);
            if defined get_stat("msgrate") and get_stat("msgrate") <= 1
                log_error("No messages received from the source for the last hour!");

NXLog Agent provides several other ways to generate alerts. See Trigger alerts with NXLog Agent for more examples.