
The Agents view is your agent control center. Here, you will find agent status statistics and a list of your agents, which you can search and filter by using agent properties and selectors. Click Agents from the left navigation menu to access the view.

NXLog Platform Agents view
Table 1. Agents table explained
Column Description


Shows the agent’s status. The possible states are:

Green - New

The agent is connected to NXLog Platform but has not been enrolled yet.

Green - Online

The agent is functioning normally, and the last reported status was OK.

Grey - Offline

There is no connection between the agent and NXLog Platform. The reason could be a network communication error or the agent is stopped or misconfigured.

Orange - Warning

The agent is connected to NXLog Platform but has not provided a TLS/SSL certificate.

Red - Error

One or more modules on the agent are not running due to configuration errors.

For more information, see Agent status.


The hostname of the machine where the NXLog Agent is installed.


The operating system release version for the machine where the NXLog Agent is installed.


The system architecture of the machine where the NXLog Agent is installed.


The log processing rate in events per second.

Memory use

Memory consumption of the NXLog Agent in megabytes.


% CPU usage of the NXLog Agent.

Deployment state

Shows the agent’s deployment status. The possible states are:


The agent connected with NXLog Platform and is pending enrollment. Click the Actions menu and select Enroll to enroll it.


The agent is enrolled and configured successfully.


The agent is enrolled but is not configured, or there is a configuration error.

For more information, see Agent deployment state.


The name of the configuration template assigned to the agent.


Agent control functions. The actions available in NXLog Platform action menus vary depending on context, agent status, and deployment state. The possible options are:

Assign template

Assign a new configuration template to the agent.

Edit config

View and update the agent configuration.


Onboard the agent to NXLog Platform after establishing the initial connection.

Enroll with template

Onboard the agent to NXLog Platform after establishing the initial connection and assign a configuration template to the agent.


Download a ZIP file with the configuration and the certificates of the selected agent.

Refresh status

Update the agent details, including status and deployment state.

Renew certificate

Renew the TLS/SSL certificate of the selected agent. You may need to use this function in case of an expired or compromised certificate.


Stop and start all modules.


Start all stopped modules.


Stop all modules.


Unenroll the agent from NXLog Platform. This action does not stop or uninstall the NXLog Agent. It will be re-added to the agent list in an unenrolled state if the agent is still running.

Unassign template

Unassign the current configuration template from the agent. The agent’s configuration remains unchanged. The configuration will no longer receive any new changes made on the template.

Update configuration

Push new configuration to the agent, after updating the template if there is a template assigned to this agent.

View logs

View the NXLog Agent log file.

Agent filtering

Use filters to narrow your agent list by a field of interest. For example, filter the list for offline agents. Click Show filters to open the filters panel.

NXLog Platform agent filtering
Table 2. Filter options explained
Field Description


Filter by the agent’s current status, i.e., warning, error, OK, and offline.

Deployment state

Filter by the agent deployment status, i.e., new, enrolled, and configured.


Filter by operating system, i.e., Linux, Windows, macOS, or other.


Filter by release version of the operating system.


Filter by system architecture.


Filter by NXLog Agent version.


Filter for agents using a specific module.

Agent details

To manage an individual agent, click on its name in the agents' table. The agent details page provides you with agent information and statistics. You can also update the agent configuration and control the agent from this page.

NXLog Platform agent details
Table 3. Agent details explained
Field Description

Host name

The hostname of the machine where the NXLog agent is installed.


The agent’s unique identifier.

Agent time

The current date and time on the agent host machine.


The time when the NXLog Agent started.


% CPU usage of the NXLog Agent.


The process ID of the NXLog Agent agent process.


Memory consumption of the NXLog Agent in megabytes.


The agent’s host platform.


The release version of the agent’s host platform.


System architecture of the agent’s host platform.


The NXLog Agent version.

The Statistics view provides information about the agent’s resource usage and event processing statistics per module.

NXLog Platform agent statistics