Configuration actions
The configuration builder provides the possibility to add Actions to your configuration. Configuration actions are the building blocks of advanced log processing. The configuration builder displays the available actions that you can execute on log events under Configuration snippets. You can drag and drop an action to an action slot to add it to the configuration. Configure actions by clicking on the cogwheel icon after you drop the action into a configuration.
Some actions require extension modules. For example Parse JSON requires the extension module JSON (xm_json). Configure the extensions required by your configuration template in Extensions.

Action | Description |
If-Else condition |
Conditions help you define if-then-else statements and set operators for your condition. The text fields on both sides of the operators offer an autosuggest feature. For more information about statements, see the Statements page in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual. |
Add field |
Using this action, you can define new fields. The input fields here provide an autosuggest feature. For more information about fields, see the Core fields page in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual. |
Drop event |
This action allows you to conditionally discard log messages. For more information on procedures such as drop, see the Core procedures page in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual. |
Log |
Allows you to send the defined log data to an NXLog Agent’s internal log with the chosen severity. The input field here provides an autosuggest feature. For more information on procedures such as log, see the Core procedures page in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual. |
Exec statement |
You can use the Exec statement action to include statements in your configuration executed when receiving logs. See the Exec section in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual to learn more. |
Convert to (format) |
Convert the fields in the log message to one of the supported formats, and return the result as the For more information about formatting log data in the available formats, see the following pages in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual: |
Extract (format) |
Extract the log data from a specific node in the For more information about extracting log data from one the available formats, see the following pages in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual: |
Parse (format) |
Parse the fields in the log message to one of supported formats. For more information about parsing log data to one of the available formats, see the following pages in the NXLog Agent Reference Manual: |