Use a solution pack

Solution packs provide an easy-to-use solution for setting up your log collection pipeline between NXLog Agent and your SIEM. For more information, see our list of available solutions packs.

While NXLog creates each solution pack to match a specific SIEM, there are configuration parameters that need to be specified for your individual instance before the solution pack can be assigned to agents. These parameters vary for each SIEM installation - examples of such parameters include authentication keys and certificates.

Complete the following steps to configure the solution pack, generating a solution pack configuration template:

  1. Navigate to Agents > Configurations Overview and click the Add new template button to open the configuration template editor.

  2. Select the Solution Packs pane to view the list of available solution packs.

    Solution pack list
  3. Drag the solution pack you want to use to the main pane to open the configuration wizard.

  4. Provide the necessary information to configure the solution pack.

  5. Download both the SIEM and agent content resources and follow the corresponding instructions to integrate your agent and SIEM with the solution pack.

    Configuration wizard
  6. Once you complete the wizard, you can use the template editor to perform the following configurations:

    • Add additional routes if needed.

    • Configure any extension module used by the template, by clicking the Extensions.

    • Change the remote management settings of the agent by clicking the Agent communication settings.

    • Update the solution pack template settings by reopening the wizard with the Configure button.

    Advanced users can also toggle View as configuration text to review the generated configuration file. The resulting configuration file is divided into parts - open Solution pack template part to see the configuration text directly associated with the solution pack.

    Configuration information
  7. Once you are done with the configuration, click Save configuration to create the new template. If you haven’t finished the template and want to continue later, click Save Draft to create a configuration template draft. Configuration template drafts cannot be assigned to agents.

  8. Navigate to Agents > Configurations Overview to find the new template and assign it to agents.