Transfer logs over the network with TLS/SSL

Several NXLog Agent network modules support secure log transfer with TLS/SSL. In this tutorial, you will configure two NXLog Agent instances, one on Linux and another on Windows, to securely transfer logs between each other.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A Linux computer with OpenSSL and NXLog Agent installed.

  • A Windows computer with NXLog Agent installed.

  • A text editor of your choice, such as Notepad++, to edit the NXLog Agent configuration file.

Step 1: Create self-signed certificates

In its most basic form, securing network communication with TLS/SSL requires three certificates for each node:

  • A Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.

  • A certificate for NXLog Agent.

  • The private key of the NXLog Agent certificate.

In production scenarios, you will likely use digital certificates issued by a trusted provider, such as DigiCert and GlobalSign. However, as we’ll do in this tutorial, you can generate self-signed certificates for testing.

  1. Log in to your Linux computer and execute the following command to verify that OpenSSL is installed.

    $ openssl version

    If the command does not return the version, install OpenSSL according to your operating system’s instructions.

  2. Generate the private root key for your Certification Authority (CA).

    $ openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048
  3. Create a self-signed CA certificate using the key created in the previous step.

    $ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 730 -out rootCA.pem
  4. Execute the following steps to create a certificate for each NXLog Agent instance. Replace server-name with each machine’s name. In our configuration examples below, we use linux-server and windows-server.

    1. Generate a private key for the server.

      $ openssl genrsa -out server-name.key 2048
    2. Generate the CA Certificate Signing Request (CSR). When prompted for the Common Name, enter the server’s name or IP address. This value must match the machine’s DNS name.

      $ openssl req -new -key server-name.key -out server-name.csr
    3. Sign the request and create the server certificate.

      $ openssl x509 -req -in server-name.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key \
                -CAcreateserial -out server-name.pem -days 500 -sha256

After completing these steps, you should have one CA certificate (rootCA.pem), two server certificates (server-name.pem), and two corresponding private keys (server-name.key).

Step 2: Configure NXLog Agent to receive logs with TLS

Next, we will configure NXLog Agent on Linux to receive logs over TCP with TLS.

  1. Open the NXLog Agent configuration file at /opt/nxlog/etc/nxlog.conf with a text editor.

  2. Ensure that your configuration defines the INSTALLDIR and CERTDIR constants. If not, add them.

    define  INSTALLDIR  /opt/nxlog
    define  CERTDIR     %INSTALLDIR%/var/lib/nxlog/cert
  3. Copy the CA certificate, Linux server certificate, and corresponding private key to the certificates folder.

  4. We will use an NXLog Transport input instance to receive logs from another NXLog Agent instance and save them to a file with the File output module. Add the following to your configuration file, replacing the certificate filenames accordingly.

    <Input nxlog_agent>
        Module         im_batchcompress
        CAFile         %CERTDIR%/rootCA.pem  (1)
        CertFile       %CERTDIR%/linux-server.pem  (2)
        CertKeyFile    %CERTDIR%/linux-server.key  (3)
        KeyPass        secret  (4)
    <Output output_file>
        Module         om_file
        File           '%INSTALLDIR%/var/log/nxlog-output.log'
    <Route r1>
        Path           nxlog_agent => output_file
    1 The CAFile directive specifies the path of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
    2 The CertFile directive specifies the path of the local server’s certificate. In this example, we named the file linux-server.pem.
    3 The CertKeyFile directive specifies the path of the server’s certificate private key. In this example, we named the file linux-server.key.
    4 If you set a private key password, specify it in the KeyPass directive.
  5. Restart the NXLog Agent service.

    $ sudo systemctl restart nxlog
  6. Open the NXLog Agent log file at /opt/nxlog/var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log and verify that the input instance started successfully. You should see a log line similar to the following.

    2024-05-28 16:49:23 INFO [im_batchcompress|nxlog_agent] listening on

Step 3: Configure NXLog Agent to send logs with TLS

Configure NXLog Agent on the Windows machine to send logs to the Linux machine you just configured.

  1. Open the NXLog Agent configuration at C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf with a text editor.

  2. Ensure that your configuration defines the INSTALLDIR and CERTDIR constants. If not, add them.

    define  INSTALLDIR  C:\Program Files\nxlog
    define  CERTDIR     %INSTALLDIR%\cert
  3. Copy the CA certificate, server certificate, and private key to the certificates folder.

  4. We will collect Windows events with the Event Log for Windows module and forward them to the NXLog Agent instance on Linux with an NXLog Transport output module instance. Add the following to your configuration file, replacing the certificate filenames accordingly.

    <Input eventlog>
        Module         im_msvistalog
                <Query Id='0'>
                    <Select Path='Security'>*</Select>
    <Output nxlog_agent>
        Module         om_batchcompress
        UseSSL         TRUE
        CAFile         %CERTDIR%\rootCA.pem  (1)
        CertFile       %CERTDIR%\win-server.pem  (2)
        CertKeyFile    %CERTDIR%\win-server.key  (3)
        KeyPass        secret  (4)
    <Route r1>
        Path           eventlog => nxlog_agent
    1 The CAFile directive specifies the path of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
    2 The CertFile directive specifies the path of the local server’s certificate. In this example, we named the file windows-server.pem.
    3 The CertKeyFile directive specifies the path of the server’s certificate private key. In this example, we named the file windows-server.key.
    4 If you set a private key password, specify it in the KeyPass directive.

Step 4: Test your configuration

Finally, we will verify that the communication between the NXLog Agent instances works correctly. However, we’ll make one more modification to the configuration to see instant results.

By default, the im_msvistalog module collects new events logged after the agent starts for the first time. From then on, it will save the position it read last and collect all logs from that position on subsequent restarts. This is usually the desired behavior in production environments. However, we will change it to collect all available events before we restart the NXLog Agent instance on Windows by setting the ReadFromLast and SavePos directives to FALSE.

Add the following lines to your eventlog instance.

ReadFromLast    FALSE
SavePos         FALSE

This is how the complete instance should look like:

<Input eventlog>
    Module          im_msvistalog
    ReadFromLast    FALSE
    SavePos         FALSE
            <Query Id='0'>
                <Select Path='Security'>*</Select>

You are now ready to test your configuration.

  1. On the Windows machine, open the Services console (services.msc).

  2. Locate the nxlog service and right-click on it.

  3. Choose Restart.

    Restart the NXLog Agent service

    As a result, you should start seeing logs in the output file on the Linux machine.


This tutorial introduced you to the basic TLS/SSL certificate requirements and guided you in generating self-signed certificates with OpenSSL. You then configured an NXLog Agent instance on Windows to send logs to another agent instance on Linux via TCP with TLS/SSL.

Check out more TLS/SSL resources: