Default configuration templates

NXLog Platform includes ready-to-use configuration templates to simplify log collection and forwarding with NXLog Agent. To see the default templates, navigate to Agents > Configurations Overview.

Default NXLog Agent configuration templates

All default templates include settings to ensure communication with NXLog Platform and collect NXLog Agent logs. The templates are explained in detail below.

Agent logs to Platform

Agent logs to Platform

This configuration template collects NXLog Agent’s logs, including information and error messages, and forwards them to NXLog Platform.

Table 1. Agent logs to Platform template inputs (Collect From)
Collect From NXLog Agent module Description

NXLog Agent Internal Logs (nxlog)


Collects NXLog Agent logs, including errors, warnings, and informational events.

Table 2. Agent logs to Platform template outputs (Send to)
Send to NXLog Agent module Description

NXLog Transport (data_relay)


Sends logs from NXLog Agent to your NXLog Platform instance with TLS/SSL encryption. It uses TCP port 5514 and sends logs in compressed batches to reduce bandwidth usage.

Agentless Network Input Relay

Agentless Network Input Relay

This configuration template configures NXLog Agent as a relay, listening for syslog messages from various network sources, converting log records to JSON format, and securely forwarding them to NXLog Platform.

Table 3. Agentless Network Input Relay template inputs (Collect From)
Collect From NXLog Agent module Description

TLS/SSL Transport (ssl)


Listens for syslog messages on TCP port 3514. It uses TLS/SSL certificates for secure communication and converts the incoming log records into JSON format.

TCP Transport (tcp)


Listens for syslog messages on TCP port 1514. It parses the incoming log records and converts them into JSON format.

UDP Transport (udp)


Listens for syslog messages on UDP port 1514. It parses the incoming log records and converts them into JSON format.

NXLog Agent Internal Logs (nxlog)


Collects NXLog Agent logs, including errors, warnings, and informational events.

NXLog Transport (bc)


Listens for logs from other NXLog Agent instances on TCP port 2514. It uses TLS/SSL certificates for secure communication and converts the incoming log records into JSON format.

Table 4. Agentless Network Input Relay template outputs (Send to)
Send to NXLog Agent module Description

NXLog Transport (transport_relay)


Sends logs from NXLog Agent to your NXLog Platform instance with TLS/SSL encryption. It uses TCP port 5514 and sends logs in compressed batches to reduce bandwidth usage.