Output Modules
Output modules are responsible for writing event log data to various destinations.
When running NXLog on Windows, each module can create
multiple TCP connections on |
Amazon S3 (om_amazons3) — Forwards logs to Amazon S3
Microsoft Azure Sentinel (om_azure) — Connects to Azure and forwards logs to a blob, table or analytics workspaces
Microsoft Azure Logs Ingestion (om_azuremonitor) — Forwards logs to Azure Monitor via the Log Ingestion API
Batched Compression (om_batchcompress) — Sends compressed log batches to another NXLog agent
Blocker (om_blocker) — Blocks log processing for testing purposes
DBI (om_dbi) — Sends log data to an external database with the libdbi library
Elasticsearch (om_elasticsearch) — Sends logs to an Elasticsearch server
Program (om_exec) — Executes a program or script and writes log data to standard input
Files (om_file) — Writes log messages to files
Go (om_go) — Provides a Go API for generating log data
Google Chronicle (om_chronicle) — Sends logs to Google Chronicle
Google Cloud Logging (om_googlelogging) — Sends logs to Google Cloud Logging
Google Cloud Pub/Sub (om_googlepubsub) — Publishes logs to Google Pub/Sub
HTTP(s) (om_http) — Sends log messages via HTTP or HTTPS connections
Java (om_java) — Provides a Java API for saving or forwarding log data
Kafka (om_kafka) — Publishes event records to an Apache Kafka topic
Null (om_null) — Provides a dummy output for testing or scheduled execution
ODBC (om_odbc) — Uses the ODBC abstraction layer to write log data to a database
OpenTelemetry Exporter (om_otel) — Uses the OpenTelemetry protocol to send data to a collector
Perl (om_perl) — Provides a Perl API for saving or forwarding log data
Named Pipes (om_pipe) — Sends log messages to a named pipe
Python (om_python) — Provides a Python API for saving or forwarding log data
Raijin (om_raijin) — Sends logs to Raijin server
Redis (om_redis) — Sends log data to a Redis server
Ruby (om_ruby) — Provides a Ruby API for saving or forwarding log data
TLS/SSL (om_ssl) — Sends log data over SSL/TLS-secured connections
TCP (om_tcp) — Sends log data over TCP connections
UDP (om_udp) — Sends log data via UDP datagrams
UDP with IP Spoofing (om_udpspoof) — Sends log data via UDP while retaining the source addresses
Unix Domain Sockets (om_uds) — Writes log messages to a local Unix domain socket
WebHDFS (om_webhdfs) — Sends log data to an Apache Hadoop cluster
ZeroMQ (om_zmq) — Provides a log data output via ZeroMQ message transport