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Trellix ePolicy Orchestrator

Trellix ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) enables centralized policy management and enforcement for endpoints and enterprise security products. Trellix ePO monitors and manages the network, detecting threats and protecting endpoints against these threats.

NXLog can be configured to collect events and audit logs from the ePO SQL databases.

ePO will need to have the associated packages installed first, prior to log collection from these sources, i.e. Endpoint Security.

Collecting ePO Audit Logs

The Audit log contains Trellix ePO user actions and action details which can be viewed from the ePO dashboard.

Queries and Reports Dashboard for Audit Entries
Figure 1. Queries and Reports dashboard for audit entries

ePO stores these logs in the dbo.OrionAuditLog table in the SQL database. The following configuration will query dbo.OrionAuditLog using the im_odbc module configured to collect these audit log events. It will then format them to JSON via xm_json.

<Extension json>
    Module              xm_json

<Input in>
    Module              im_odbc
    ConnectionString    DSN=MQIS;database=ePO_Host; \
    IdType              timestamp
    # With ReadFromLast and MaxIdSQL, NXLog will start reading from the last
    # record when reading from the database for the first time.
    ReadFromLast        TRUE
    MaxIdSQL            SELECT MAX(StartTime) AS maxid FROM dbo.OrionAuditLog
    SQL                 SELECT StartTime as id,StartTime as EventTime, \
                        * FROM dbo.OrionAuditLog \
                        WHERE StartTime > CAST(? AS datetime)
    Exec                delete($id);to_json();
Raw Audit Log sample of a successful logon
EventTime: 2020-02-12 18:36:00
AutoId: 7
UserId: 1
UserName: admin
Priority: 3
CmdName: Logon Attempt
Message: Successful Logon for user "admin" from IP address:
Success: TRUE
StartTime: 2020-02-12 18:36:00
EndTime: 2020-02-12 18:36:00
LocalAddress: 2001:0:34f1:8072:2c3a:3f1e:f5ff:fffb
TenantId: 1
DetailMessage: NULL
AdditionalDetailsURI: NULL
2020-02-12 18:37:28 McAfeeEPO INFO
id: 2020-02-12 18:37:28
Audit Event sample in JSON of a successful logon
  "EventTime": "2019-07-27T09:51:08.630000+02:00",
  "AutoId": 83147,
  "UserId": 1,
  "UserName": "admin",
  "Priority": 3,
  "CmdName": "Logon Attempt",
  "Message": "Successful Logon for user \"admin\" from IP address:",
  "Success": true,
  "StartTime": "2019-07-27T09:51:08.630000+02:00",
  "EndTime": "2019-07-27T09:51:08.630000+02:00",
  "RemoteAddress": "",
  "LocalAddress": "",
  "TenantId": 1,
  "DetailMessage": null,
  "AdditionalDetailsURI": null,
  "EventReceivedTime": "2019-07-27T11:51:09.641428+02:00",
  "SourceModuleName": "in",
  "SourceModuleType": "im_odbc"

Collecting Endpoint Security events

The Trellix Endpoint Security provides strong virus protection with lower maintenance requirements and zero-impact scans for users to protect against malware. These events are stored in the dbo.EPOEvents SQL view.

The following configuration uses the im_odbc module to collect events from the dbo.EPOEvents SQL view. The AnalyzerName column determines the source module of the events in the view; therefore, the query contains the conditional clause AnalyzerName LIKE 'VirusScan%.

<Extension json>
    Module              xm_json

<Input in>
    Module              im_odbc
    ConnectionString    DSN=MQIS;database=ePO_Host; \
    IdType              timestamp
    # With ReadFromLast and MaxIdSQL, NXLog will start reading from the last
    # record when reading from the database for the first time.
    ReadFromLast        TRUE
    MaxIdSQL            SELECT MAX(ReceivedUTC) AS maxid FROM dbo.EPOEvents
    SQL                 SELECT ReceivedUTC as id,ReceivedUTC as EventTime,AutoID,ServerID,\
                               dbo.RSDFN_ConvertIntToIPString \
                               (cast (AnalyzerIPV4 as varchar(15))) as 'IPv4',\
                               dbo.RSDFN_ConvertIntToIPString \
                               (cast (SourceIPV4 as varchar(15))) as 'Source IPv4',\
                               dbo.RSDFN_ConvertIntToIPString \
                               (cast (TargetIPV4 as varchar(15))) as 'Target IPv4',\
                        FROM   dbo.EPOEvents\
                        WHERE  ReceivedUTC > CAST(? AS datetime) AND AnalyzerName LIKE 'VirusScan%'
    Exec                delete($id);to_json();
Endpoint Security event sample in JSON of an EICAR test file
  "EventTime": "2019-07-30T14:17:22.067000+02:00",
  "AutoID": 22113,
  "ServerID": "HOST",
  "AnalyzerName": "VirusScan Enterprise",
  "AnalyzerHostName": "HOST",
  "IPv4": "",
  "AnalyzerDetectionMethod": "OAS",
  "SourceHostName": null,
  "Source IPv4": "",
  "SourceProcessName": "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe",
  "TargetHostName": "HOST",
  "Target IPv4": "",
  "TargetUserName": "DOMAIN\\admin",
  "TargetFileName": "C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\eicar.com",
  "ThreatCategory": "av.detect",
  "ThreatEventID": 1278,
  "ThreatSeverity": 1,
  "ThreatName": "EICAR test file",
  "ThreatType": "test",
  "ThreatActionTaken": "deleted",
  "TenantID": 1,
  "EventReceivedTime": "2019-07-30T16:18:15.279397+02:00",
  "SourceModuleName": "in",
  "SourceModuleType": "im_odbc"

Collecting Data Loss Prevention (DLP) events

The Trellix Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Discover Endpoint is a content-based agent solution to inspect user actions. It scans data-in-use on endpoints, blocks the transfer of sensitive data, and can store its findings as evidence.

The configuration below uses the im_odbc module to collect Data Loss Prevention events from the dbo.EPOEvents SQL view. The AnalyzerName column determines the source module of events in the view; therefore, the query contains the conditional clause AnalyzerName LIKE 'Data%.

<Extension json>
    Module              xm_json

<Input in>
    Module              im_odbc
    ConnectionString    DSN=MQIS;database=ePO_Host; \
    IdType              timestamp
    # With ReadFromLast and MaxIdSQL, NXLog will start reading from the last
    # record when reading from the database for the first time.
    ReadFromLast        TRUE
    MaxIdSQL            SELECT MAX(ReceivedUTC) AS maxid FROM dbo.EPOEvents
    SQL                 SELECT ReceivedUTC as id,ReceivedUTC as EventTime,AutoID,ServerID,\
                               dbo.RSDFN_ConvertIntToIPString \
                               (cast (AnalyzerIPV4 as varchar(15))) as 'IPv4',\
                               dbo.RSDFN_ConvertIntToIPString \
                               (cast (SourceIPV4 as varchar(15))) as 'Source IPv4',\
                               dbo.RSDFN_ConvertIntToIPString \
                               (cast (TargetIPV4 as varchar(15))) as 'Target IPv4',\
                        FROM   dbo.EPOEvents\
                        WHERE  ReceivedUTC > CAST(? AS datetime) AND AnalyzerName LIKE 'Data%'
    Exec                delete($id);to_json();
Data Loss Prevention event sample of a USB plugin
  "EventTime": "2019-08-24T12:46:15.603000+02:00",
  "AutoID": 94123,
  "ServerID": "HOST",
  "AnalyzerName": "Data Loss Prevention",
  "AnalyzerHostName": "HOST",
  "IPv4": "",
  "AnalyzerDetectionMethod": "DLP for Windows",
  "SourceHostName": "HOST",
  "Source IPv4": "",
  "SourceProcessName": "",
  "TargetHostName": "HOST",
  "Target IPv4": "",
  "TargetUserName": "DOMAIN\\admin",
  "TargetFileName": null,
  "ThreatCategory": "policy",
  "ThreatEventID": 19115,
  "ThreatSeverity": 1,
  "ThreatName": "USB",
  "ThreatType": "DEVICE_PLUG",
  "ThreatActionTaken": "BL|MON|ON",
  "TenantID": 1,
  "EventReceivedTime": "2019-08-24T14:46:16.066322+02:00",
  "SourceModuleName": "in",
  "SourceModuleType": "im_odbc"

While we endeavor to keep the information in this topic up to date and correct, NXLog makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content represented here. We update our screenshots and instructions on a best-effort basis.

The accurateness of the content was tested and proved to be working in our lab environment at the time of the last revision with the following software versions:

NXLog version 5.4.7313
Trellix ePolicy Orchestrator 5.10.0

Last revision: 04 May 2022

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