NXLog Documentation

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Product life cycle

NXLog Enterprise Edition, NXLog Community Edition, and NXLog Manager all use the versioning scheme X.Y.Z.

  • X denotes the MAJOR release version. Long-term support is provided for each major release when applicable.

  • Y denotes the MINOR version. Minor releases provide backward compatible enhancements and features during the lifetime of a major release.

  • Z denotes the REVISION NUMBER. Hot-fix revisions may be released within the same minor version.

Upgrades within the same major version are backward compatible. Features and changes that may not be backward compatible are added to major releases only.

For supported products, the end-of-life (EOL) date is at least one year after the next major version is released.

Table 1. End-of-Life for NXLog products
NXLog Product End-of-Life

NXLog Enterprise Edition 3.x


NXLog Enterprise Edition 4.x

The release date of NXLog Enterprise Edition 6.0

NXLog Enterprise Edition 5.x

The release date of NXLog Enterprise Edition 7.0

NXLog Manager 4.x


NXLog Manager 5.x


NXLog Community Edition

No official support