NXLog Documentation

You are viewing the documentation of our legacy products. Go to the NXLog Platform Documentation.

Starting NXLog Manager

  1. Start NXLog Manager with the following command:

    • Starting NXLog Manager on Debian Wheezy or RHEL6/CentOS6

      # service nxlog-manager start
    • Starting NXLog Manager on Debian Stretch or RHEL7/CentOS7

      # systemctl start nxlog-manager
  2. Connect to the web interface. Launch a web browser and navigate to http://x.x.x.x:9090/nxlog-manager in order to make sure the start was successful.

Check the logs under /opt/nxlog-manager/log if you are having trouble accessing the web interface.

Running NXLog Manager directly can provide additional information if the NXLog Manager service fails to start. Run cd /opt/nxlog-manager/bin/, then ./jetty.sh.