NXLog Documentation

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This guide describes the steps to install and upgrade NXLog on IBM AIX.


First, download the appropriate NXLog installer package from the NXLog website.

  1. Log in to your account, then click My account at the top of the page.

  2. Under the Downloads > NXLog Enterprise Edition files tab, choose the nxlog-6.6.9843_aix_ppc.rpm package.

  3. Use SFTP or a similar secure method to transfer the archive to the target server.

  4. Install the required NXLog package.

    1. Optional: To change the NXLog user and group for the installation, set the NXLOG_USER and NXLOG_GROUP environment variables. During installation, a new user and a new group will be created based on these environment variables. They will be used for User and Group directives in nxlog.conf, and for the ownership of some directories under /opt/nxlog. Specifying an already existing user or group is not supported. The created user and group will be deleted on NXLog removal.

      # export NXLOG_USER=nxlog2
      # export NXLOG_GROUP=nxlog2
    2. Use rpm to install the package.

      # rpm -ivh nxlog-6.6.9843_aix_ppc.rpm
  5. Configure NXLog by editing /opt/nxlog/etc/nxlog.conf.General information about configuring NXLog can be found in Configuration. For more details about configuring NXLog to collect logs on AIX, see the IBM AIX summary.

  6. Verify the configuration file syntax.

    # /opt/nxlog/bin/nxlog -v
    2017-03-17 08:05:06 INFO configuration OK
  7. Start the service using the init script in /opt/nxlog/etc:

    # ./init start


To update an NXLog installation to the latest release, use rpm as in the installation instructions above. It is recommended to make a backup of the configuration files before starting this process.

# rpm -Uvh nxlog-6.6.9843_aix_ppc.rpm
The rpm package manager creates a backup of an existing nxlog.conf file as nxlog.conf.rpmsave under the /opt/nxlog/etc/ directory.
The same user and group will be used for the upgrade as was used for the original installation (see installation user and group above). Changing to a different user and group during upgrade is not supported.


To uninstall NXLog use rpm with the -e option.

# rpm -e nxlog
This procedure may not remove all files that were created while configuring NXLog. Likewise, any files created as a result of NXLog’s logging operations will not be removed. To find these files, examine the configuration files that were used with NXLog and check the installation directory (/opt/nxlog).