Manager services
Verifies that NXLog Manager is up and running.
Type of Request: GET
URL: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/agentmanager
This service can accept the communication format specified via the .xml
or .json extensions appended to the end of the URL which can be used instead
of the accept and Content-Type headers.
For JSON format, the following URL should be used: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/agentmanager.json .
The following URL should be used for XML: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/agentmanager.xml .
Parameters: No
curl -k -v -H "REST_PASSWORD: nxlog123" -H "REST_USER: admin" "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/agentmanager.json"
"servicename": "agentmanager",
"values": [
"message": "Agent Manager listener is accepting connections on\n1 agents connected"
"message": "Agent Manager connector not started."
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/mvc/restservice/agentmanager"
Retrieves information about the running NXLog Manager including the uptime, license state, expiration date, version, and revision.
Type of Request: GET
URL: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/appinfo
This service can accept the communication format specified via the .xml
or .json extensions appended to the end of the URL which can be used instead
of the accept and Content-Type headers.
For JSON format, the following URL should be used: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/appinfo.json .
The following URL should be used for XML: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/appinfo.xml .
Parameters: No
curl -k -v -H "REST_PASSWORD: nxlog123" -H "REST_USER: admin" "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/appinfo.json"
"servicename": "appinfo",
"values": [
"nxmUptime": 688523,
"licenseState": "LICENSED/Valid",
"licenseExpireDate": 1601154000000,
"appVersion": "6.0",
"appRevisionNumber": "5600"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/mvc/restservice/appinfo"
Creates a new NXLog Manager field. For more information, see the Fields section of the NXLog Manager User Guide.
Type of Request: POST
URL: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/createfield
As the single parameter, this service accepts either an XML or JSON-formatted object as shown below.
"fieldDescription": {
"description": "string"
"lookup": true,
"name": "string",
"persist": true,
"type": "STRING"
curl -k -v "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/createfield" -H "REST_PASSWORD: nxlog123" -H "REST_USER: admin" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "accept: application/json" -d "{ \"fieldDescription\": { \"description\": \"Field description\"}, \"lookup\": true, \"name\": \"FieldName\", \"persist\": true, \"type\": \"STRING\"}"
"servicename": "createfield",
"values": [
"name": "FieldName",
"type": "STRING",
"fieldDescription": {
"id": 204,
"description": "Field description"
"persist": true,
"lookup": true,
"id": 205