NXLog Documentation

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Installing as Docker Application

To install NXLog Manager as a Docker application, Docker Engine and Docker Compose tool is required. The procedure is identical on all platforms supported by Docker (Linux, Windows and MacOS). Extract the files from the compressed Docker archive.

$ tar zxf nxlog-manager-X.X.XXXX-docker.tar.gz

To build, (re)create and start the container execute the following command.

$ docker-compose up -d

By default the Dockerized NXLog Manager listens on port 9090. The port configuration is defined as HOST:CONTAINER. To change this setting, edit the docker-compose.yml file by modifying the HOST port number preceding the colon (9080 in the below example). The port number for the CONTAINER, following the colon should be left at 9090.

  - "4041:4041"
  - "9080:9090"
restart: always

To change the default memory allocation for NXLog Manager, the Java invocation (CMD) in the included Dockerfile needs to be updated. Options other than -Xms and -Xmx should not be changed.

CMD java -Xms1g -Xmx2g ...
For more information managing the allocated memory size for NXLog Manager, see the Increasing the Heap Size for NXLog Manager section.

For the configuration change to take effect, the Docker container needs to be stopped and started with the following commands.

$ sudo docker-compose down
$ sudo docker-compose up
The NXLog Manager Docker container includes MySQL. Therefore there is no need to install and configure MySQL separately. After installing, you may proceed with the NXLog Manager Configuration.