Amazon S3 (om_amazons3)
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
This module can be used to send logs to Amazon S3 and compatible services.
Amazon S3 buckets, objects, keys, and structure
Amazon S3 stores objects inside containers called buckets. A finite number of buckets that can store an infinite number of objects are available to the user. See Getting Started with Amazon S3 in the Amazon S3 User Guide for more information.
Both the input and output modules interact with a single bucket on Amazon S3. The module will not create, delete, or alter the bucket or any of its properties, permissions, or management options. Instead, you must create the bucket, provide the appropriate permissions (ACL), and further configure any lifecycle, replication, encryption, or other options. Similarly, the module does not alter the storage class of the objects stored or any other properties or permissions.
We selected a schema where we store events in a single bucket.
Each object has a key that references the server or service name, the date, and the time NXLog received the event.
Although Amazon S3 uses a flat structure to store objects, it groups objects with similar key prefixes resembling a filesystem structure.
The following is a visual representation of our naming scheme.
Note that the key name at the fourth level represents the time in UTC.
However, Amazon S3 uses the colon (:
) as a special character; therefore, we replace it with the dot (.
) character to simplify matters.
The om_amazons3 module accepts the following directives in addition to the common module directives. The Bucket, Region, and Server directives are required.
The AccessKey and SecretKey directives are required if NXLog is not running in the same tenant as the S3 bucket.
Required directives
The following directives are required for the module to start.
This mandatory directive specifies the Amazon S3 bucket name. |
This mandatory directive specifies the service region code. It accepts any value when used in conjunction with the URL directive. Otherwise, the following codes are supported:
This mandatory directive sets the object path prefix. The module will write object names starting with the specified value. See Amazon S3 buckets, objects, keys, and structure. |
Optional directives
This optional directive specifies the AWS public access key ID. If AccessKey and SecretKey are missing, the module will try to read the credentials from the environment, STS, profile, or instance metadata. If none are available, the module will try to log in anonymously. |
Number of allowed parallel HTTP connections. More connections mean bigger throughput. The default is 1. |
Maximum size of the request in bytes. The default is 64 MB. |
See the OutputType directive in the list of common module directives.
If this directive is not specified, the default is LineBased, i.e., the module will use This directive also supports data converters, see the description in the OutputType section. |
This boolean directive changes how the module constructs the URL to cater to providers like MinIO, which accepts the bucket name in the path instead of a subdomain.
The default is |
This optional directive sets the reconnect interval in seconds. If it is set, the module attempts to reconnect in every defined second. If it is not set, the reconnect interval will start at 1 second and doubles on every attempt. If the duration of the successful connection is greater than the current reconnect interval, then the reconnect interval will be reset to 1 sec. |
This optional directive specifies the AWS secret access key. |
Specify the URL for a custom endpoint. If the protocol is not specified, the module will use HTTPS. |
This configuration uses the om_amazons3 output module to forward logs to an Amazon S3 Bucket named MYBUCKET
Object names will be prefixed with SERVER01
specified by the Server directive.
<Output amazon_s3>
Module om_amazons3
Region us-east-1
Server SERVER01
AccessKey <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY> (1)
SecretKey <YOUR_SECRET_KEY> (2)
This configuration uses the om_amazons3 output module to forward logs to a self-hosted MinIO S3 instance.
<Output amazon_s3>
Module om_amazons3
URL (1)
Region myminio
Server SERVER01
AccessKey <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY> (2)
SecretKey <YOUR_SECRET_KEY> (3)