NXLog Documentation

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The Promise Storage Area Network (SAN) is capable of sending SNMP traps to remote destinations. Unfortunately, Syslog is not supported on these units.

Log sample
2654  Fan 4 Enc 1    Info     Apr 27, 2017 19:08:48 PSU fan or blower speed is decreased

There is a single management interface no matter how many shelves are installed, so configuration only needs to be performed once from the Promise web interface or the command line.

More information about configuring Promise arrays is available in the E-Class product manual. Also, additional details on CNMP configuration and links to MIB files are available in the following KB article.

  1. Configure NXLog for receiving SNMP traps (see the example below). Remember to place the MIB file in the directory specified by the MIBDir directive. Then restart NXLog.

  2. Make sure the NXLog agent is accessible from the unit.

  3. Configure Promise by using the web interface or the command line. See the following sections.

Example 1. Receiving SNMP traps from Promise

This example shows SNMP trap messages from Promise, as received and processed by NXLog.

<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog

<Extension _json>
    Module      xm_json

<Extension snmp>
    Module      xm_snmp
    MIBDir      /usr/share/mibs/iana

<Input in_snmp_udp>
    Module      im_udp
    Port        162
    InputType   snmp
    Exec        parse_syslog();

<Output file_snmp>
    Module      om_file
    File        "/var/log/snmp.log"
    Exec        to_json();
Output sample
  "SNMP.CommunityString": "public",
  "SNMP.RequestID": 1295816642,
  "EventTime": "2017-04-27 20:44:37",
  "SeverityValue": 2,
  "Severity": "INFO",
  "OID.": 67,
  "OID.": "",
  "OID.": 2654,
  "OID.": 327683,
  "OID.": 327683,
  "OID.": 2,
  "OID.": "Fan 4 Enc 1",
  "OID.": "Apr 27, 2017 19:08:48",
  "OID.": "PSU fan or blower speed is decreased",
  "MessageSourceAddress": "",
  "EventReceivedTime": "2017-04-27 20:44:37",
  "SourceModuleName": "in_snmp_udp",
  "SourceModuleType": "im_udp",
  "SyslogFacilityValue": 1,
  "SyslogFacility": "USER",
  "SyslogSeverityValue": 5,
  "SyslogSeverity": "NOTICE",
  "Hostname": "INFO",
  "Message": "OID.\"67\" OID.\"\" OID.\"2654\" OID.\"327683\" OID.\"327683\" OID.\"2\" OID.\"Fan 4 Enc 1\" OID.\"Apr 27, 2017 19:08:48\" OID.\"PSU fan or blower speed is decreased\""
The steps below have been tested on the VTrak E600 series and should work on other models as well.

Configuring via the web interface

Follow these steps to enable sending SNMP traps through the web interface.

  1. Log in to the web interface.

  2. Go to Subsystems  Administrative Tools  Software Management.

  3. Under the Service tab, click on SNMP.

  4. Under Trap Sink, specify the Trap Sink Server IP address and select the appropriate Trap Filter to choose the logging level. Then click Update.

    Promise SNMP configuration
  5. Make sure Running Status is Started and Startup Type is set to Automatic.

  6. Click Submit and confirm SNMP restart.

Configuring via the command line

Follow these steps to enable sending SNMP traps through the command line interface.

  1. Connect to Promise via SSH.

  2. Type menu.

  3. Go to Additional Info and Management  Software Management  SNMP.

  4. Select Trap Sinks  Create New Trap Sink.

  5. Specify the remote IP address under Trap Sink Server and the logging level under Trap Filter.

  6. Select Save SNMP Trap Sink.

  7. Select Return to Previous Menu and then Restart.

  8. Make sure Startup Type is set to Automatic.


While we endeavor to keep the information in this topic up to date and correct, NXLog makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content represented here. We update our screenshots and instructions on a best-effort basis.

The accurateness of the content was tested and proved to be working in our lab environment at the time of the last revision with the following software versions:

NXLog version 5.5.7535
VTrak E600 series

Last revision: 29 July 2022