NXLog Documentation

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RESTful web services

NXLog Manager provides a REpresentational State Transfer (REST) interface, or RESTful web service API to access agent information or configure the system without running the user interface.

NXLog Manager is distributed with the embedded REST API reference documentation. Once the NXLog Manager instance is up and running, the documentation is available for viewing in a web browser at https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/swagger-ui.html.

This section contains the description of services which can provide the centralized management of the entire NXLog logging tool infrastructure.


The base URL for all REST API services is https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice.

Depending on the service, either GET, POST, PUT or DELETE requests should be used.

The table below contains HTTP headers needed for API requests.

Table 1. Headers
Header Name Description


User ID




Depending on the format of the response, this can be either application/xml or application/json


Depending on the format of the response, this can be either application/xml or application/json


The tenant name which the request should be applied to. This header is optional and can be utilized only by tenant users or in cases when NXLog Manager is explicitly configured to operate in the tenant mode.

Several services can accept the response format specified via the .xml or .json extensions appended to the end of the URL. For example:


Such extension can be applied instead of the accept and Content-Type headers.

This rule is applicable for the following services:

Services grouped by entities they provide interaction with