Go (im_go)
This module provides support for collecting log data with methods written in the Go language. The file specified by the ImportLib directive should contain one or more methods that can be called from the Exec directive of any module. See also the xm_go and om_go modules.
For the system requirements, installation details and environmental configuration requirements of Go, see the Getting Started section in the Go documentation. The Go environment is only needed for compiling the Go file. NXLog does not need the Go environment for its operation. |
The Go script imports the NXLog module and will have access to the following classes and functions.
- class nxModule
This class is instantiated by NXLog and can be accessed via the nxLogdata.module attribute. This can be used to set or access variables associated with the module (see the example below).
- nxmodule.NxLogdataNew(*nxLogdata)
This function creates a new log data record.
- nxmodule.Post(ld *nxLogdata)
This function puts log data struct for further processing.
- nxmodule.AddEvent()
This function adds a READ event to NXLog. This allows you to call the READ event later.
- nxmodule.AddEventDelayed(mSec C.int)
This function adds a delayed READ event to NXLog. This allows you to call the delayed READ event later.
- class nxLogdata
This class represents an event. It is instantiated by NXLog and passed to the function specified by the ImportFunc directive.
- nxlogdata.Get(field string) (interface{}, bool)
This function returns the value/exists pair for the logdata field.
- nxlogdata.GetString(field string) (string, bool)
This function returns the value/exists pair for the string representation of the logdata field.
- nxlogdata.Set(field string, val interface{})
This function sets the logdata field value.
- nxlogdata.Delete(field string)
This function removes the field from logdata.
- nxlogdata.Fields() []string
This function returns an array of fields names in the logdata record.
- module
This attribute is set to the module object associated with the event.
Installing the gonxlog.go File
For the Go environment to work with NXLog, the gonxlog.go file has to be installed.
This applies to Linux only. |
Copy the gonxlog.go file from the
directory to the$GOPATH/src/nxlog.co/gonxlog/
directory. -
Change directory to
. -
Execute the
go install gonxlog.go
command to install the file.
Compiling the Go File
To be able to call Go functions, the Go file must be
compiled into a shared object file that has the .so
extension. The
syntax for compiling the Go file is the following.
go build -o /path/to/yoursofile.so -buildmode=c-shared /path/to/yourgofile.go
The im_go module accepts the following directives in addition to the common module directives.
Required directives
The following directives are required for the module to start.
This mandatory directive calls the specified function, which must accept an |
This mandatory directive specifies the file containing the Go code compiled into a shared library |
Configuration Template
In this Go file template, the read
function is called via the ImportFunc directive.
//export read
func read(ctx unsafe.Pointer) {
// get reference to caller module
if module, ok := gonxlog.GetModule(ctx); ok {
// generate new logdata for NXLog
ld := module.NxLogdataNew()
// set 'raw_event' value
ld.Set("raw_event", "some string data")
// send logdata to NXLog input module
This configuration reads log files from the /var/log/syslog file directory from a remote server via SSH.
The code defined in the shared object library then gets the reference from the context pointer and gets data from the channel.
After that, it generates new log data by setting the raw_event
value and sending it to the input module by calling the read
Finally, it is saved to a file.
<Input in1>
Module im_go
ImportLib "input/input.so"
ImportFunc read
<Output out>
Module om_file
File "output/file"
Exec log_info($raw_event);
//export read
func read(ctx unsafe.Pointer) {
var str string
gonxlog.LogDebug("Read called")
if module, ok := gonxlog.GetModule(ctx); ok {
if strings == nil {
gonxlog.LogError("Channel is not initialized!")
} else {
select {
case str, _ = <-strings:
ld := module.NxLogdataNew()
ld.Set("raw_event", str)
gonxlog.LogInfo("has data")
gonxlog.LogInfo("no data")
Please Log in and try again.