NXLog Documentation

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Certificate services


Retrieves information about all certificates used for communication between NXLog and NXLog Manager.

Type of Request: GET

URL: https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/certificateinfo

This service can accept the communication format specified via the .xml or .json extensions appended to the end of the URL which can be used instead of the accept and Content-Type headers.
For JSON format, the following URL should be used:
The following URL should be applied for XML:

Parameters are listed below.

Table 1. List of parameters
Parameter Description Format Type


Lists only certificates that will expire in the given number of days. It can be used to identify certificates that are about to expire.

To list certificates as per several dates of expiration, this parameter can be specified for each date separately.



Sample cURL request
curl -k -v -H "REST_PASSWORD: nxlog123" -H "REST_USER: admin" "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/restservice/certificateinfo.json"
Sample response in JSON
    "servicename": "certificateinfo",
    "values": [
        "name": "My_First_CA",
        "country": "country",
        "state": "state",
        "city": "city",
        "organization": "organization",
        "organization-unit": "organization unit",
        "activation": "2020-06-25 00:04",
        "expiration": "2025-05-25 00:00",
        "use-as-default-ca": false,
        "status": "VALID",
        "id": 1,
        "issuer": "CN=My_First_CA, ST=state, C=country, O=organization, OU=organization unit, L=city",
        "subject": "CN=My_First_CA, ST=state, C=country, O=organization, OU=organization unit, L=city",
        "serial-number": 69664245045870,
        "sig-alg-name": "SHA256WITHRSA",
        "netscape-cert-type": "SSL CA, S/MIME CA",
        "key-usage": "CRLSign, digitalSignature, keyCertSign, keyEncipherment",
        "thumb-print": "85 90 a3 ac 02 d7 b9 37 29 3b a0 63 c3 ea 6e 88 07 1d 98 94 ",
        "type": "CA"
        "name": "AGENT_MANAGER",
        "country": "country",
        "state": "state",
        "city": "city",
        "organization": "organization",
        "organization-unit": "organization unit",
        "certActivation": "2020-06-25 00:04",
        "expiration": "2025-05-25 00:00",
        "parent-fingerprint": 1,
        "status": "VALID",
        "issuer": "CN=My_First_CA, ST=state, C=country, O=organization, OU=organization unit, L=city",
        "subject": "CN=AGENT_MANAGER, ST=state, C=country, O=organization, OU=organization unit, L=city",
        "serial-number": 143110591992817,
        "sig-alg-nName": "SHA256WITHRSA",
        "thumb-print": "c5 19 42 f7 e4 51 8e b5 af 51 fa 73 d2 5d 00 fa d0 b7 db e3 ",
        "type": "CERT"
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "https://hostname:9443/nxlog-manager/mvc/mvc/restservice/certificateinfoundefined{?expireIn}"