NXLog Documentation

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5.7.5961 (21 February 2024)

- [4315] Fixed invalid logs location in documentation
- [4314] Template Creation Bug found on 5.7.5954

5.7.5954 (15 February 2024)

- [4308] "Query" field from im_msvistalog form converting special characters
- [4296] "Add" button in route not working consistently
- [4295] NXLog Manager stats showing future dates
- [4276] "Edit PKCS11 provider" menu not displaying as expected
- [4195] Correct RESTful web services entries in the manual
- [4107] Erroneous notification regarding configuration differences

5.7.5935 (27 December 2023)

- [4268] Add MySQL Option `max_allowed_packet`

- [4267] Update Docker container to Ubuntu 22.04

- [4291] Adapt the Dockerfile of Manager to work with the new 9.4 Jetty
- [4290] Installing Debian package on a clean setup doesn't successfully copy the needed files
- [4288] New Jetty doesn't redirect automatically to nxlog-manager URL when 9443 is accessed
- [4233] Add Content Security Policy (CSP) to prevent Cross-site scripting (XSS)
- [4230] Add Cookie-Flag: SameSite to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- [4227] Add additional input validations and encodings
- [4211] Correct CVE-2023-32790, CVE-2023-32791, and CVE-2023-32792
- [4209] Add support for MySQL v8
- [4129] Jetty Vulnerabilities fixed (Upgrade Jetty)

5.7.5801 (03 November 2023)

- [3725] SSL enabled modules on Windows receive a new option to search all certificate stores
- [3981] Add DataTimeout to xm_admin
- [4138] Add om_azure support
- [4140] Add im_azure support
- [4178] Manager Cluster mode - Save & Restart to restart all Manager nodes

- [3463] nxlog-stmnt-verifier dependency is not documented
- [4175] Update Docker image to use Debian 11
- [4185] Update dropdown for agent count in agents table
- [4186] Updated navigation buttons to show on the top as well
- [4196] Updated pagination to show on the top as well

- [3687] configurations using `<` or `>` causing problems via Manager UI
- [3699] Form resubmittion issue for Rulesets page
- [3831] Invalid PKCS#12 certificate file on export
- [3898] Logback creates tmp files and does not rotate in certain conditions
- [4078] Backup/Restore Process not working from Settings > Config backup tab
- [4119] Agent can not be added to group if have template assigned
- [4126] Agents showing offline in cluster
- [4129] Various Jetty Vulnerabilities (See release notes)
- [4130] Exception when Attempting to assign a template to group
- [4153] XSS on input fields
- [4154] Certificates can be deleted if agents have a template assigned
- [4155] When deleting agents from within group tab agents are deleted from all groups
- [4157] Manager doesn't release open files of "unix" type and NAME "type=STREAM"
- [4174] config scheduled backup -  could not initialize proxy - no Session
- [4183] Unable to import pattern files generated outside of nxlog-manager
- [4187] Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task
- [4199] Remove weak Tls cipher suites (SWEET32)
- [4201] java.lang.NullPointerException in Manager when NXLog EE v6 agents are configured

5.6.5633 (2 April 2022)

- [3834] Removed log4j and replaced it with logback
- [3783] Fixed an issue causing Manager to show routes incorrectly
- [3837] Fixed an issue where Global configuration changes were not sent to the agent

5.6.5620 (20 February 2022)

- [3307] Configured Docker packages to use SSL/TLS out of the box
- [3210] Allowed agents to connect with expired certificates
- [3223] Added support for NXLog Enterprise Edition v5+ default locations
- [3362] Added an example in jetty-config.xml for disabling insecure TLS versions
- [3387] Added an explanation of local agent configuration change in the User Guide
- [3363] Added SSL/TLS debugging instructions to the User Guide
- [3478] Documented Docker memory settings
- [3447] Documented NXLog agent configuration file location change
- [3488] Documented heap size for NXLog Manager
- [3196] Fixed incorrect anchors in the User Guide
- [3287] Improved SSL/TLS documentation in the User Guide
- [3366] Updated the User Guide to use consistent naming for `NXLog Manager`
- [3508] Updated the web browser requirements
- [3558] Updated documentation to include systemd commands
- [3585] InnoDB tables need a primary key in newer versions for Galera support
- [3634] Tuned workflows and hibernate parameters for connecting agents
- [3665] Added pooling support for agent command related objects
- [3668] Migrated serverinfo from quartz job to spring managed
- [3671] Updated agent initial connection threads to support pooling
- [3802] Implemented cachingwebservicetemplate for heap optimizations
- [3232] Added fix for long certificate names
- [3239] Corrected agentInfo inconsistencies (agentwithmodules and RUNNING output)
- [3401] Fixed an issue with assigning templates
- [3417] Fixed agent update reload taking too long
- [3461] Fixed agents list view not working properly
- [3492] Fixed general SSLEngine problem
- [3550] Fixed an issue with dbi modules throwing an exception on validation
- [3537] Fixed an issue causing the license facility not to start
- [3566] Fixed the API `startagent` endpoint returning an error while starting
- [3597] Fixed rrd access denied messages
- [3607] Fixed high CPU utilization in some cases
- [3730] Fixed a case where disabled users could still log in
- [3681] Fixed an issue where you are unable to delete agent groups
- [3685] Fixed adding a dashboard panel after autopopulated list is empty resulting in an error
- [3691] Fixed empty pattern match field throwing an error
- [3694] Fixed `auditTrailRetentionDays` parameter being ignored
- [3710] Fixed a case where deleting an agent would cause errors
- [3711] Fixed issue with duplicate entry while importing certificates
- [3714] Fixed generated agent configuration to keep modules ordered
- [3715] Fixed an issue where an agent connecting after the agent certificate was deleted would cause an inconsistency
- [3728] Fixed a bug caused by disabling "Use parameters as default" during the initial setup wizard
- [3731] Fixed issue where multiple pm or om modules would not be comma separated in the generated configuration
- [3733] Fixed an issue that could cause the configuration not to be updated while saving modules
- [3734] Addressed being unable to edit the description field on template
- [3739] Fixed null pointer exception on restart button click
- [3747] Fixed being unable to edit existing template
- [3751] Fixed an issue where restarting individual modules would fail
- [3760] Fixed an error while adding a chart to the statistics tab in v5.6
- [3761] Fixed SOAP response error with unexpected variables
- [3781] Fixed the UI becoming unresponsive
- [3786] Fixed issues with connecting to agents in listen mode
- [3792] Fixed NXLog Manager not starting with trace logging in cluster mode
- [3797] Fixed missing data in agent info tab
- [3798] Fixed an issue with configuring the im_linuxaudit module
- [3804] Fixed an error in the dashboard for charts with deleted agents
- [3807] Fixed a null pointer error while adding an agent to a manager cluster
- [3125] Profile and optimizations
- [3649] Profile monitoring: added profiling aspects
- [3650] Hibernate bytecode enhancement
- [3795] Memory performance improvement for debug logs

5.5.5398 (3 April 2020)

- [3178] Added new certificate management REST API
- [3103] Implemented systemd unit files
- [3227] Added a warning against direct modification in the managed configuration file
- [3207] Support for naming agents using their hostname
- [3292] Log files are now exposed by default from Docker container
- [3288] NXLog Manager now generates a certificate and key during install
- [3130] Added a log entry when the main key is decrypted
- [3221] The certificate management API now uses agent names instead of IDs
- [3256] Simplified the JVM configuration (nxlog-manager.conf)
- [3281] SSL is now enabled by default
- [3317] Fixed an issue with Jetty not being able to use obfuscated key password
- [3386] Fixed Jetty failing to start after an upgrade with a missing certificate error
- [3326] Fixed tags disappear after saving
- [3350] Fixed certificate API returning "400 Error: Bad Request"
- [3385] Fixed deleted modules remaining in agent information
- [3351] Testing on swagger UI logs out user from the web UI
- [3372] Fixed update and reload failing in distributed load balanced environments
- [3371] Fixed missing agent module information from UI and API
- [3368] Fixed an issue with agent not reconnecting on reload when connecting from behind a load balancer
- [3365] Fixed an agent connectivity issue in distributed environments
- [3354] Fixed local authentication failure after LDAP exception
- [3355] Fixed "java.util.ConcurrentModificationException" while issuing a certificate
- [3356] Fixed "JMSBrokerInstance nust not be null" error in distributed mode
- [3348] Fixed a lazy initialization error being displayed when closing the agent log viewer
- [3332] Fixed broken path to Jetty certificate in Docker
- [3192] Fixed an issue that was generating broken im_linuxaudit configuration
- [3311] Fixed the agent filter check boxes not being properly aligned
- [3304] Fixed the AgentInfo API not accepting the agent name
- [3273] Fixed the backup configuration form refusing a valid email address
- [3294] Fixed a race condition in distributed load balanced setups
- [3283] Fixed broken reference to certificate and key file locations
- [3203] Addressed unwanted interaction between the search box and Chrome's auto-complete feature
- [3245] Fixed responsiveness issues with high agent counts
- [3217] Fixed connectivity issues with high agent counts
- [3214] Addressed high number of inactive connections over slow links
- [3205] Fixed a UI hang when backup stalls
- [3274] Fixed the SNA/Agent name overrides being lost on restart
- [2871] Fixed NXLog Manager not stopping on package removal on Debian/Ubuntu

5.4.5227 (26 June 2019)

- [3149] Fixed im_wseventing module updated client certificate not being pushed to agents
- [3144] Fixed an issue with assigning agents to templates where the template selection shows a list of agents instead of templates
- [3143] Fixed agents disappearing from view after executing an action
- [3141] Fixed template links breaking after sorting the templates table
- [3138] Fixed internal NXLog Manager version checks failing with beta version numbers
- [3136] Fixed printing messages twice after executing action from the agent info page
- [3135] Fixed adding variables chart in the UI does not display it
- [3129] Fixed an issue with resetting certificate and keys failing with an existing license in the database
- [3128] Fixed the encryption key not updating on password change through the "ADMIN/Users" page
- [3123] Fixed an issue where clearing and applying a filter on a table resulted in an error
- [3121] Deleting a CA now checks if for any templates using the CA
- [3106] Fixed agent connection issues
- [2956] Fixed xm_multiline module configuration directive showing `Action` instead of `Exec`
- [3122] Fixed an error when cloning agent template and creating agents from the second page on
- [3191] Fixed failure to restore backup with "JAXB unmarshalling exception"

5.3.5173 (1 March 2019)

- [2891] Added more options to the agent template global configuration form (CA, LogLevel, agent connection type, etc)
- [3101] NXLog Manager now uses the network that agents connect from when updating the configuration instead of the first interface found
- [3065] Added support for importing a CA without the signing KeyUsage extension
- [3114] Added support for importing a CA without the CN attribute and using the Subject instead
- [3098] Fixed a graphical issue in charts showing an empty pop-up that appeared as a line
- [3119] Fixed an issue found while saving pm_pattern rules to be used by agents
- [3113] Fixed an issue where `update and reload` would only show success messages regardless of errors being present
- [3118] Fixed an issue where configuring im_kafka and om_kafka would fail in the UI
- [3097] Fixed an issue where you could copy modules and routes to agents with templates because this would lead to an inconsistency
- [3100] Fixed an issue where you couldn't import certificates with certain policy extensions
- [3110] Added additional detection and handling for Pad Block Corrupted errors
- [3104] Fixed an issue where `Subject Name Authorization` would reject agents without client certificates
- [3095] Reworked the patterndb.xml import and export to be compatible with NXLog Enterprise Edition
- [3111] Fixed the renew certificate process to use the configured signer CA
- [3109] Fixed `failed to add agent - Valid certificate with same name already exists` errors in edge cases

5.1.5116 (14 November 2018)

- [2691] Added support for extension modules (xm_csv, xm_json, xm_kvp, xm_multiline, xm_resolver, xm_perl, xm_gelf, xm_w3c, m_xml, xm_cef`, xm_leef, xm_rewrite)
- [3035] Added digitally signed RPM installer packages
- [3014] Added support for NXLog Manager on AWS
- [3019] Added support for PKCS12 certificate chain export
- [3009] Ensured that login names are shown on successful authentication in nxlog-manager.log
- [2954] Enabled async update for untrusted agents in the database
- [2933] Added per-agent subject name authorization settings
- [3021] Added ability to reset certificates if the encryption key is not available
- [2950] Added NXLog Enterprise Edition remaining modules
- [2888] The CA is now sent to the agents when it is renewed
- [2927] Show difference between local and agent configuration
- [2959] NXLog Manager no longer requires you to type /nxlog-manager/ in the URL
- [3007] Added export/import of templates and agent configuration. This is in addition to the current .zip backup method and allows you to transfer configurations between instances.
- [3015] Added the ability to remove a tag in the agent configuration
- [3009] Show login names in nxlog-manager.log
- [2936] Added ability to assign a template to an agent group
- [3012] Allow CA key encryption to be enabled or disabled (default)
- [2977] Java versions support extended
- [3031] Resolves and issue related to deleting a correlation ruleset
- [3008] Fixed certificate renewal inconsistency
- [2996] Fixed agent configuration discrepancy not shown in agent list
- [2952] Addressed NotSufficientPermissionsException after template assignment with fields
- [2761] Issuing a new certificate now works for forged agents
- [2941] Agent modules should no longer stop on deletion
- [2956] Corrected label naming to use `Exec` instead of `Action`
- [2998] Fixed configuration issues when adding dbi module
- [3005] Fixed an issue where the user's name is not displaying if `Full Name` is blank
- [3017] Fixed an issue displaying received and sent data from the second page on
- [3027] Fixed GrantedAuthority error after v5 upgrade
- [3010] Fixed inability to log in after upgrade
- [3000] Fixed "You have no access to this action" after upgrading from v4 to v5
- [3028] Fixed certificate not being renewed for agents without a template (wrong query - empty result from DB)
- [3024] Fixed NullPointerException caused by empty fields
- [3020] Fixed an issue where a user would not get encryption keys it is created
- [3063] Fixed sparklines and statistics on clustered servers
- [3064] Fixed an issue where Agent Memory Usage would show 0.00K
- [2725] Renew certificate for forged agents
- [3025] Fixed a case where putfile can fail when updating an agent
- [2999] Fixed 'jrobinDBPath' "You don't have permissions to read the file"
- [3001] Updated "pad block corrupted" error handling to provide more information and improve usability
- [3070] Fixed an issue where some Agent List pages would not show options like `Update and reload` and `Issue Certificate`
- [3068] Fixed an issue where links to certificates existed for agents that did not have a certificate configured
- [3067] Fixed refresh issues on Agent Info page
- [3054] Fixed variables and statistical counters list in Agent Info page
- [3073] Fixed an error when listing Patterns shows "You have no access to this action"
- [3072] Fixed an error when deleting an agent and issuing a certificate
- [3071] Fixed a rare issue with agents cloned from an agent that belongs to a template
- [2948] Fixed incorrect `host` value in the REST API `agentinfo` call