TLS/SSL errors
When forwarding logs over TCP with TLS/SSL encryption, you may encounter errors that prevent NXLog Agent from establishing a connection with the remote host.
Below, we provide tips to help troubleshoot various TLS/SSL-related errors.
Certificate verification failed
- Symptom
Typical TLS/SSL certificate verification errors include:
SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
logERROR SSL certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (err: 20)
logUsing a self-signed certificate causes the following error:
ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: self signed certificate (err: 18)
log - Possible reason
Certificate verification errors mean the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate could not verify the remote certificate’s validity. The necessary CA certificate may not exist on the machine, or you specified the wrong CA certificate in the NXLog Agent configuration.
- Investigation
If you do not explicitly set a CA certificate in the configuration, NXLog Agent uses the default operating system root certificate store to verify remote server certificates. Unix-like operating systems commonly store root certificates in
, Windows uses the Windows Certificate Store, and macOS uses the Keychain Access Application as the default certificate store.You can use the OpenSSL tool to verify certificates. Execute the following command to verify a CA file:
$ openssl s_client -CAfile <path_to_CA_file> -connect <host:port>
Use the following command to verify a server certificate against a CA certificate:
$ openssl s_client -connect <host:port> -cert <path_to_cert_file> -key <path_to_key_file> -CAfile <path_to_CA_file> -verify 1
You can also verify a server certificate against a CA directory:
$ openssl s_client -connect <host:port> -cert <path_to_cert_file> -key <path_to_key_file> -CApath <path_to_CA_dir> -verify 1
- Solution
Ensure that NXLog Agent has access to the relevant CA certificate to validate the remote host’s certificate, either in the operating system’s root certificate store or in the NXLog Agent configuration.
If the server certificate is signed by an intermediate CA, the CA certificate must contain the complete certificate chain (certificate bundle).
If the remote host uses a self-signed certificate not signed by a CA, you can specify the server certificate itself instead of a CA certificate.
Certificate has expired
- Symptom
NXLog Agent fails to connect to the remote host with the following error:
ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: certificate has expired (err: 10)
log - Possible reason
This error occurs when the remote host presents an expired certificate.
- Investigation
You can use the OpenSSL tool to check a certificate’s expiry date:
$ openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in mycert.pem notAfter=Dec 31 20:00:00 2024 GMT
On Windows, you can double-click on a
file and switch to the Details tab to view the expiration date. - Solution
Configure the remote host with a renewed certificate. Alternatively, configure the NXLog Agent input or output instance to accept expired certificates by setting AllowExpired to
. We recommend only accepting expired certificates as a temporary measure to avoid log processing disruption. Remember to switch the setting off once the remote host’s certificate is renewed.
Remote SSL socket was reset
- Symptom
NXLog Agent fails to connect to the remote host with the following error:
ERROR remote ssl socket was reset? (SSL_ERROR_SSL with errno=9); End of file found
log - Possible reason
This issue may occur for two reasons:
The remote host, such as NXLog Platform, cannot verify the NXLog Agent certificate.
A firewall or other network security device is terminating the connection.
- Investigation
Check the remote host’s logs and network packet captures to troubleshoot this issue. The SSL stack refusing the connection may contain a more precise reason.
- Solution
The remote host must have the relevant CA certificate to validate the NXLog Agent’s server certificate. See Certificate verification failed above for troubleshooting tips.
If you verify it is not a certificate issue, ensure a firewall does not block communication between the NXLog Agent machine and the remote host. See Connection refused or timed out for troubleshooting tips.
Unsupported certificate purpose
- Symptom
NXLog Agent fails to connect to the remote host with the following error:
ERROR SSL certificate verification failed: unsupported certificate purpose (err: 26)
log - Possible reason
This error means that the certificate does not have the required key and extended/enhanced key usage properties. These are optional properties when creating the certificate. For example, see Key Usage and Extended Key Usage in the OpenSSL documentation.
- Investigation
You can use the OpenSSL tool to examine the certificate details:
$ openssl x509 -text -in mycert.pem
The output may include details similar to the following:
X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: critical Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Key Agreement X509v3 Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
On Windows, you can double-click on a
file and switch to the Details tab to view the key and enhanced key usage. - Solution
If the local or remote host’s certificate has the key and extended/enhanced key usage fields, ensure that they include the following values:
- Key Usage
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Key Agreement
- Extended Key Usage
TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
No shared cipher
- Symptom
NXLog Agent fails to connect to the remote host with the following error:
ERROR SSL error, SSL_ERROR_SSL: retval -1, from, reason: no shared cipher
log - Possible reason
This error occurs when your environment applies a TLS/SSL cipher restriction, and the remote host does not use any of those ciphers.
- Investigation
Check your NXLog Agent configuration to verify if the module instance includes the SSLCipher or SSLCipherSuites directive. For example, the following im_batchcompress instance includes a cipher restriction:
<Input im_batchcompress> Module im_batchcompress ListenAddr CAFile %CERTDIR%/agent-ca.pem CertFile %CERTDIR%/agent-cert.pem CertKeyFile %CERTDIR%/agent-key.pem SSLCipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 </Input>
confYou can use the OpenSSL tool to emulate the above configuration and check whether you encounter the same problem when the remote host tries to connect:
$ openssl s_server -key agent-key.pem -CAfile agent-ca.pem -cert agent-cert.pem -port 7000 -cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
You can test the above listener with the following command:
$ openssl s_client -key agent-key.pem -CAfile agent-ca.pem -cert agent-cert.pem -connect localhost:2514
- Solution
NXLog Agent and the remote host must share at least one common cipher. For more information, see Configuring OpenSSL Defaults in the OpenSSL cookbook and Ciphers in the OpenSSL documentation.
The remote host does not support TLS/SSL
- Symptom
NXLog Agent fails to connect to the remote host with the following error:
ERROR SSL error, SSL_ERROR_SSL: retval -1, reason: wrong version number
log - Possible reason
This error occurs when you configure NXLog Agent to use TLS/SSL, but the remote host does not support encryption.
- Investigation
Verify whether the remote SIEM or service supports TLS/SSL encryption.
- Solution
The remote host must support TLS/SSL and be configured to use it. If not, configure NXLog Agent to connect via TCP without TLS/SSL encryption. For configuration information, check the relevant module’s documentation.