DBI (im_dbi)

The im_dbi module allows NXLog Agent to pull log data from external databases. This module utilizes the libdbi database abstraction library, which supports various database engines such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, and Firebird. A SELECT statement can be specified, which will be executed periodically to check for new records.

To examine the supported platforms, see the list of installation packages.
The im_dbi and om_dbi modules support GNU/Linux only because of the libdbi library. The im_odbc and om_odbc modules provide native database access on Windows.
libdbi needs drivers to access the database engines. These are in the libdbd-* packages on Debian and Ubuntu. CentOS 5.6 has a libdbi-drivers RPM package, but this package does not contain any driver binaries under /usr/lib64/dbd. The drivers for both MySQL and PostgreSQL are in libdbi-dbd-mysql. If these are not installed, NXLog Agent will return a libdbi driver initialization error.


The im_dbi module accepts the following directives in addition to the common module directives.

Required directives

The following directives are required for the module to start.


This mandatory directive specifies the name of the libdbi driver that will be used to connect to the database. A DRIVER name must be provided here for which a loadable driver module exists under the name libdbdDRIVER.so (usually under /usr/lib/dbd/). The MySQL driver is in the libdbdmysql.so file.


This directive should specify the SELECT statement to be executed every PollInterval seconds. The module automatically appends a WHERE id > ? LIMIT 10 clause to the statement. The result set returned by the SELECT statement must contain an id column which is then stored and used for the next query.

Optional directives


This directive can be used to specify additional connection options. Refer to the libdbi driver documentation of your database engine for supported connection options. The module works in a failover configuration if you specify the host option multiple times. If the first host is unreachable, the module automatically fails over to the next one. If the last host is unreachable, the module fails over to the first host.


This directive specifies how frequently the module will check for new records, in seconds. If this directive is not specified, the default is 1 second. Fractional seconds may be specified (PollInterval 0.5 will check twice every second).


This optional boolean directive instructs the module whether to save the position of the last read event before NXLog Agent exits. On the next startup, NXLog Agent will try to read the saved position from the cache file.

When TRUE, the position of the last read event are saved and will be read from the cache file upon startup.
If this directive is not specified, it defaults to TRUE.

This directive can be overridden by the global NoCache directive. If NoCache is TRUE, the SavePos directive is considered to be FALSE.

Creating and populating fields

When the im_dbi module reads a record from a database, it creates and populates the fields returned by the SQL statement. The fields can be used for further processing or to convert the log record to a different output format, such as JSON or XML. Additionally, the $raw_event core field is populated as follows:

EventTime Hostname Severity field1=value1 field2=value2

If the EventTime, Hostname, and Severity fields are not returned as part of the database record, the following default values are used:


The value of the $EventReceivedTime core field.


The value returned by the hostname() function.



The configuration Examples below demonstrate how database log records can be processed with NXLog Agent.


The following fields are used by im_dbi.

$raw_event (type: string)

A list of event fields in key-value pairs.


Example 1. Reading from a MySQL database

This example uses im_dbi and the MySQL driver to connect to the logdb database and retrieve logs from table log. Log records are written to file without any further processing.

<Input dbi>
    Module    im_dbi
    Driver    mysql
    Option    host
    Option    username mysql
    Option    password mysql
    Option    dbname logdb
    SQL       SELECT id, timestamp AS EventTime, message \
              FROM log

<Output file>
    Module    om_file
    File      '/path/to/output/file'
Table 1. Input sample
id timestamp message



The service started successfully

Output sample
2021-11-08 08:42:20 SERVER-01 INFO message="The service started successfully"
Example 2. Converting database records to JSON

This example uses im_dbi to connect to a database logdb and retrieve logs from table log. If the log record has a severity equal to DEBUG, it is dropped. Otherwise, the log record is converted to JSON using the to_json() procedure of the xm_json module.

<Extension json>
    Module    xm_json

<Input dbi>
    Module    im_dbi
    Driver    mysql
    Option    host
    Option    username mysql
    Option    password mysql
    Option    dbname logdb
    SQL       SELECT id, Timestamp AS EventTime, \
              LogLevel AS Severity, Message \
              FROM log
    Exec      to_json();
Table 2. Input sample
id Timestamp LogLevel Message




The service started successfully

Output sample in JSON format
  "id": 1234,
  "EventTime": "2021-11-08T09:12:05.000000+01:00",
  "Severity": "INFO",
  "Message": "The service started successfully",
  "EventReceivedTime": "2021-11-08T09:13:16.332925+01:00",
  "SourceModuleName": "odbc",
  "SourceModuleType": "im_odbc"