WebHDFS (om_webhdfs)
This module allows logs to be stored in Hadoop HDFS using the WebHDFS protocol.
The om_webhdfs module accepts the following directives in addition to the common module directives. The File and URL directives are required.
Required directives
The following directives are required for the module to start.
This mandatory directive specifies the name of the destination file. It must be a string type expression. If the expression in the File directive is not a constant string (it contains functions, field names, or operators), it will be evaluated before each request is dispatched to the WebHDFS REST endpoint (and after the Exec is evaluated). Note that the filename must be quoted to be a valid string literal, unlike in other directives which take a filename argument. |
This mandatory directive specifies the URL of the WebHDFS REST endpoint where the module should POST the event data. The module operates in plain HTTP or HTTPS mode depending on the URL provided, and connects to the hostname specified in the URL. If the port number is not explicitly indicated in the URL, it defaults to port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS. |
HTTPS directives
The following directives configure secure data transfer via HTTPS. Check TLS/SSL log transfer and Configure TLS/SSL in the NXLog Platform User Guide for more information and examples.
Specifies if the connection should be allowed with an expired certificate.
If set to |
Specifies if the certificate FQDN should be validated against the server hostname or not.
If set to |
Specifies if the connection should be allowed without certificate verification.
If set to |
The path to a directory containing certificate authority (CA) certificates. These certificates will be used to verify the certificate presented by the remote host. The certificate files must be named using the OpenSSL hashed format, i.e. the hash of the certificate followed by .0, .1 etc. To find the hash of a certificate using OpenSSL:
For example, if the certificate hash is A remote host’s self-signed certificate (which is not signed by a CA) can also be trusted by including a copy of the certificate in this directory. The default operating system root certificate store will be used if this directive is not specified.
Unix-like operating systems commonly store root certificates in In addition, Microsoft’s PKI repository contains root certificates for Microsoft services. |
The path of the certificate authority (CA) certificate that will be used to verify the certificate presented by the remote host. A remote host’s self-signed certificate (which is not signed by a CA) can be trusted by specifying the remote host certificate itself. In case of certificates signed by an intermediate CA, the certificate specified must contain the complete certificate chain (certificate bundle). |
This optional directive, supported only on Windows, defines a pattern for locating a suitable CA (Certificate Authority) certificate and its thumbprint in the native Windows Certificate Storage.
The pattern must follow PCRE2 rules and use the format Configuration examples:
A normal log output example would look like as follows:
This optional directive, supported only on Windows, specifies the thumbprint of the certificate authority (CA) certificate that will be used to verify the certificate presented by the remote host. The hexadecimal fingerprint string can be copied from Windows Certificate Manager (certmgr.msc). Whitespaces are automatically removed. The certificate must be added to a Windows certificate store that is accessible by NXLog Agent. This directive is mutually exclusive with the HTTPSCADir and HTTPSCAFile directives. |
The path of the certificate file that will be presented to the remote host during the HTTPS handshake. |
The path of the private key file that was used to generate the certificate specified by the HTTPSCertFile directive. This is used for the HTTPS handshake. |
This optional directive, supported only on Windows, defines a pattern for identifying a corresponding certificate and its thumbprint within the native Windows Certificate Storage.
The pattern must follow PCRE2 rules and use the format Configuration examples:
A normal log output example would look like as follows:
This optional directive, supported only on Windows, specifies the thumbprint of the certificate that will be presented to the remote host during the HTTPS handshake.
The hexadecimal fingerprint string can be copied from Windows Certificate Manager (certmgr.msc).
Whitespaces are automatically removed.
The certificate must be imported to the
When the global directive UseCNGCertificates is set to
On the contrary, when the global directive UseCNGCertificates is set to The usage of the directive is the same in all cases:
The path to a directory containing certificate revocation list (CRL) files. These CRL files will be used to check for certificates that were revoked and should no longer be accepted. The files must be named using the OpenSSL hashed format, i.e. the hash of the issuer followed by .r0, .r1 etc. To find the hash of the issuer of a CRL file using OpenSSL:
For example if the hash is |
The path of the certificate revocation list (CRL) which will be used to check for certificates that have been revoked and should no longer be accepted. Example to generate a CRL file using OpenSSL:
This optional directive specifies a file with dh-parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. These parameters can be generated with dhparam(1ssl). If no directive is specified, default parameters will be used. See OpenSSL Wiki for further details. |
The passphrase of the private key specified by the HTTPSCertKeyFile directive. A passphrase is required when the private key is encrypted. Example to generate a private key with Triple DES encryption using OpenSSL:
This directive is not needed for passwordless private keys. |
If set to This directive is only supported on Windows. |
Specifies if the remote HTTPS host must present a certificate.
If set to |
This optional directive, if set to This directive is only supported on Windows. |
This optional directive can be used to set the permitted SSL cipher list, overriding the default.
Use the format described in the ciphers(1ssl) man page.
For example specify
This optional directive can be used to set the permitted cipher list for TLSv1.3. Use the same format as in the HTTPSSSLCipher directive. Refer to the OpenSSL documentation for a list of valid TLS v1.3 cipher suites. The default value is:
If set to
This directive can be used to set the allowed SSL/TLS protocol(s).
It takes a comma-separated list of values which can be any of the following: |
The signature algorithm parameter that is being sent to the Windows SSL library. Allowed values depend on the available encryption providers. This directive is only supported on Windows. |
This optional directive specifies the hostname used for Server Name Indication (SNI) in HTTPS mode. If not specified, it defaults to the hostname in the URL directive. |
If set to TRUE, the module uses the Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) to access the private keys associated with certificates identified by a thumbprint. This directive is only supported on Windows. |
Optional directives
The module will send the data to the endpoint defined in URL after this amount of time in seconds, unless FlushLimit is reached first. This defaults to 5 seconds. |
When the number of events in the output buffer reaches the value specified by this directive, the module will send the data to the endpoint defined in URL. This defaults to 500 events. The FlushInterval may trigger sending the write request before this limit is reached if the log volume is low to ensure that data is sent promptly. |
This configuration option can be used to specify additional HTTP Query Parameters such as BlockSize. This option may be used to define more than one parameter:
This optional directive sets the reconnect interval in seconds. If it is set, the module attempts to reconnect in every defined second. If it is not set, the reconnect interval will start at 1 second and double with every attempt. If the duration of the successful connection is greater than the current reconnect interval, then the reconnect interval will be reset to 1 sec.
This optional directive defines the behavior when the connection with the remote host is lost.
When set to |
The following procedures are exported by om_webhdfs.
Force a reconnection. This can be used from a Schedule block to periodically reconnect to the server.
The reconnect() procedure must be used with caution. If configured, it can attempt to reconnect after every event sent, potentially overloading the destination system.
This example output module instance forwards messages to the specified URL and file using the WebHDFS protocol.
<Output hdfs>
Module om_webhdfs
URL http://hdfsserver.domain.com/
File "myfile"
QueryParam blocksize 42
QueryParam destination /foo