Databases Collect logs from database servers via ODBC, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, and MariaDB.
DNS Monitoring Collect BIND 9 DNS Server logs via syslog or from a file.
File Integrity Monitoring Monitor file and directory changes with NXLog Agent.
Kernel Logs Collect boot messages, driver information, kernel status, and other kernel-related log events.
Linux Audit Collect Linux Audit system logs from the kernel, a file, or via a Unix domain socket.
Linux System Logs Replace the syslog daemon with NXLog Agent, receive logs via a Unix domain socket, or collect system logs from a file.
Log Files Collect file-based logs in any format, such as JSON, XML, and CSV, and parse them with one of the specialized extensions.
Network Packet Capture Collect and parse network traffic by capturing packets from a network interface or a file.
Sysmon for Linux Collect Sysinternals System Monitor syslog messages from a file.
Process Accounting Logs Monitor executed commands and process activity on Unix/Linux operating systems.
Windows Event Forwarding Set up a Windows Event Collector (WEC) and receive logs from WEF clients.